[Limdep Nlogit List] Help with Error 805

Zhi Shen Z.Shen at lboro.ac.uk
Sat Oct 13 08:14:04 EST 2007

Deal all,


I am trying to model the Battese and Coelli (1992) time varying models using the cost function. I found the estimated parameters are almost the same as the estimated parameters in the Pooled cross sectional model with the half normal distribution assumption in the inefficiency term. The error message comes up with the results, saying

Warning   141: Iterations:current or start estimate of sigma is nonpositiv


Error   805: Initial iterations cannot improve function.Status=3


Can anyone explain what the problem is and are there any solutions to the problem?


I'm posting the results below. 


--> fron;cost;lhs=c;rhs=translog,lnE;pds=ni;model=BC;eff=uibc $

Warning   141: Iterations:current or start estimate of sigma is nonpositiv

Maximum iterations reached. Exit iterations with status=1.



| Limited Dependent Variable Model - FRONTIER |

| Maximum Likelihood Estimates                |

| Model estimated: Oct 12, 2007 at 11:09:57PM.|

| Dependent variable                    C     |

| Weighting variable                 None     |

| Number of observations             2155     |

| Iterations completed                 51     |

| Log likelihood function        123.9024     |

| Number of parameters                 31     |

| Info. Criterion: AIC =          -.08622     |

|   Finite Sample: AIC =          -.08579     |

| Info. Criterion: BIC =          -.00458     |

| Info. Criterion:HQIC =          -.05636     |

| Variances: Sigma-squared(v)=       .01561   |

|            Sigma-squared(u)=       .11401   |

|            Sigma(v)        =       .12495   |

|            Sigma(u)        =       .33765   |

| Sigma = Sqr[(s^2(u)+s^2(v)]=       .36002   |

| Stochastic Cost Frontier, e=v+u.            |



|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]| Mean of X|


---------+Primary Index Equation for Model

 Constant|    1.48011477       .15406438     9.607   .0000

 Y1      |     .04912134       .04390773     1.119   .2633   8.22688477

 Y2      |     .15902832       .03816858     4.166   .0000   7.87854052

 Y3      |     .10837206       .03232890     3.352   .0008   4.14496927

 Y4      |     .42060086       .07977893     5.272   .0000   8.78307806

 W1      |     .62125222       .03530205    17.598   .0000  -3.02090271

 W2      |     .25964963       .03530003     7.356   .0000  -3.08089278

 Y11     |    -.01081874       .00774773    -1.396   .1626   36.1459176

 Y12     |     .12748994       .01502006     8.488   .0000   68.6268632

 Y13     |     .01805905       .00744020     2.427   .0152   37.3624414

 Y14     |    -.13090313       .01416448    -9.242   .0000   76.3470559

 Y22     |    -.02752224       .00535760    -5.137   .0000   33.2158971

 Y23     |     .02943329       .00568884     5.174   .0000   35.9359113

 Y24     |    -.13698355       .01610101    -8.508   .0000   73.0650319

 Y33     |     .03213044       .00543019     5.917   .0000   10.4248555

 Y34     |    -.07450431       .01136528    -6.555   .0000   39.6117654

 Y44     |     .36259586       .02767744    13.101   .0000   40.5621250

 W11     |     .00401270       .00790400      .508   .6117   5.27504492

 W12     |    -.02509200       .00775883    -3.234   .0012   10.2272303

 W22     |     .02241561       .00848613     2.641   .0083   5.52520057

 Y1W1    |     .00399844       .00719339      .556   .5783  -24.4287397

 Y1W2    |     .00287702       .00751943      .383   .7020  -24.3168234

 Y2W1    |     .02198172       .00752668     2.921   .0035  -23.3631088

 Y2W2    |    -.01184879       .00674389    -1.757   .0789  -23.4491970

 Y3W1    |    -.02585426       .00490485    -5.271   .0000  -12.0716052

 Y3W2    |    -.00026893       .00437656     -.061   .9510  -11.9938237

 Y4W1    |     .00372905       .01183016      .315   .7526  -26.0898590

 Y4W2    |    -.00890171       .01170410     -.761   .4469  -26.1046710

 LNE     |     .03820777       .00978386     3.905   .0001   6.47488942

---------+Variance parameters for compound error

 Lambda  |    2.70230373       .14300880    18.896   .0000

 Sigma   |     .36002465       .00013751  2618.240   .0000


Initial iterations cannot improve function.Status=3

  Error   805: Initial iterations cannot improve function.Status=3

Function= -.18176915671D+02, at entry,  .16413602848D+02 at exit



| Limited Dependent Variable Model - FRONTIER |

| Maximum Likelihood Estimates                |

| Model estimated: Oct 12, 2007 at 11:09:57PM.|

| Dependent variable                    C     |

| Weighting variable                 None     |

| Number of observations             2155     |

| Iterations completed                  1     |

| Log likelihood function        18.17692     |

| Number of parameters                 32     |

| Info. Criterion: AIC =           .01283     |

|   Finite Sample: AIC =           .01329     |

| Info. Criterion: BIC =           .09711     |

| Info. Criterion:HQIC =           .04366     |


| Frontier model estimated with PANEL data.   |

| Estimation based on   320 individuals.      |

| Variances: Sigma-squared(v)=       .01561   |

|            Sigma-squared(u)=       .11401   |

|            Sigma(v)        =       .12495   |

|            Sigma(u)        =       .33765   |

| Sigma = Sqr[(s^2(u)+s^2(v)]=       .36002   |

| Stochastic Cost Frontier, e=v+u.            |

| Time varying u(i,t)=exp[-eta(t-T)]*|U(i)|   |



|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]| Mean of X|


---------+Primary Index Equation for Model

 Constant|    1.48011477       .07113658    20.807   .0000

 Y1      |     .04912134       .02164988     2.269   .0233   8.22688477

 Y2      |     .15902832       .01830169     8.689   .0000   7.87854052

 Y3      |     .10837206       .01088971     9.952   .0000   4.14496927

 Y4      |     .42060086       .03619382    11.621   .0000   8.78307806

 W1      |     .62125222       .01235709    50.275   .0000  -3.02090271

 W2      |     .25964963       .01846957    14.058   .0000  -3.08089278

 Y11     |    -.01081874       .00413896    -2.614   .0090   36.1459176

 Y12     |     .12748994       .00665530    19.156   .0000   68.6268632

 Y13     |     .01805905       .00386344     4.674   .0000   37.3624414

 Y14     |    -.13090313       .00654388   -20.004   .0000   76.3470559

 Y22     |    -.02752224       .00190062   -14.481   .0000   33.2158971

 Y23     |     .02943329       .00255122    11.537   .0000   35.9359113

 Y24     |    -.13698355       .00620879   -22.063   .0000   73.0650319

 Y33     |     .03213044       .00171609    18.723   .0000   10.4248555

 Y34     |    -.07450431       .00495606   -15.033   .0000   39.6117654

 Y44     |     .36259586       .00986814    36.744   .0000   40.5621250

 W11     |     .00401270       .00200633     2.000   .0455   5.27504492

 W12     |    -.02509200       .00206129   -12.173   .0000   10.2272303

 W22     |     .02241561       .00303324     7.390   .0000   5.52520057

 Y1W1    |     .00399844       .00211051     1.895   .0582  -24.4287397

 Y1W2    |     .00287702       .00320399      .898   .3692  -24.3168234

 Y2W1    |     .02198172       .00290156     7.576   .0000  -23.3631088

 Y2W2    |    -.01184879       .00295487    -4.010   .0001  -23.4491970

 Y3W1    |    -.02585426       .00190452   -13.575   .0000  -12.0716052

 Y3W2    |    -.00026893       .00194141     -.139   .8898  -11.9938237

 Y4W1    |     .00372905       .00410056      .909   .3631  -26.0898590

 Y4W2    |    -.00890171       .00563595    -1.579   .1142  -26.1046710

 LNE     |     .03820777       .00500994     7.626   .0000   6.47488942

---------+Variance parameters for compound error

 Lambda  |    2.70230373       .00595257   453.973   .0000

 Sigma(u)|     .33764737       .00076561   441.020   .0000

---------+Eta parameter for time varying inefficiency

 Eta     |     .01000000       .00285833     3.499   .0005


Many thanks for the help.





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