[Limdep Nlogit List] OLS constraints

William Greene wgreene at stern.nyu.edu
Sat Nov 17 23:48:19 EST 2007

----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Ferguson" <eferguson at aus.edu>
To: "Limdep and Nlogit Mailing List" <limdep at limdep.itls.usyd.edu.au>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 6:40:14 AM (GMT-0500) Auto-Detected
Subject: [Limdep Nlogit List] OLS constraints
I have a simple theoretical OLS model of the following form:
Y = a + b*x1 + c*x2
According to the theory, the estimated coefficients of this model should 
be constrained as follows:
c = a - b
I have tried to program this model in Limdep in several different ways, 
including the CLS command, but it does not seem to want to cooperate.
Is there a problem in constraining the intercept term?
Please advise. Thanks!
Erik Ferguson
Urban Planning Graduate Program
School of Architecture and Design
American University of Sharjah
PO Box 26666

There is no problem. Please see below.

--> samp;1-100$
--> crea;x1=rnn(0,1);x2=rnn(0,1);y=x1+x2+rnn(0,1)$
--> regr;lhs=y;rhs=one,x1,x2;cls:b(1)-b(2)-b(3)=0$

| Ordinary    least squares regression               |
| Model was estimated Nov 17, 2007 at 07:47:21AM     |
| LHS=Y        Mean                 =  -.2977003E-01 |
|              Standard deviation   =   1.729971     |
| WTS=none     Number of observs.   =        100     |
| Model size   Parameters           =          3     |
|              Degrees of freedom   =         97     |
| Residuals    Sum of squares       =   106.2195     |
|              Standard error of e  =   1.046445     |
| Fit          R-squared            =   .6414982     |
|              Adjusted R-squared   =   .6341064     |
| Model test   F[  2,    97] (prob) =  86.79 (.0000) |
| Diagnostic   Log likelihood       =  -144.9107     |
|              Restricted(b=0)      =  -196.2018     |
|              Chi-sq [  2]  (prob) = 102.58 (.0000) |
| Info criter. LogAmemiya Prd. Crt. =   .1203559     |
|              Akaike Info. Criter. =   .1203379     |
| Autocorrel   Durbin-Watson Stat.  =  2.0157790     |
|              Rho = cor[e,e(-1)]   =  -.0078895     |
|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |t-ratio |P[|T|>t]| Mean of X|
 Constant|    -.01539830       .10469604     -.147   .8834
 X1      |     .95953721       .11712426     8.192   .0000   -.02496906
 X2      |    1.04648459       .11875324     8.812   .0000    .00916115

| Linearly restricted regression                     |
| Ordinary    least squares regression               |
| Model was estimated Nov 17, 2007 at 07:47:21AM     |
| LHS=Y        Mean                 =  -.2977003E-01 |
|              Standard deviation   =   1.729971     |
| WTS=none     Number of observs.   =        100     |
| Model size   Parameters           =          2     |
|              Degrees of freedom   =         98     |
| Residuals    Sum of squares       =   238.5861     |
|              Standard error of e  =   1.560305     |
| Fit          R-squared            =   .1947475     |
|              Adjusted R-squared   =   .1865307     |
| Model test   F[  1,    98] (prob) =  23.70 (.0000) |
| Diagnostic   Log likelihood       =  -185.3719     |
|              Restricted(b=0)      =  -196.2018     |
|              Chi-sq [  1]  (prob) =  21.66 (.0000) |
| Info criter. LogAmemiya Prd. Crt. =   .9095654     |
|              Akaike Info. Criter. =   .9095600     |
| Autocorrel   Durbin-Watson Stat.  =  1.9275877     |
|              Rho = cor[e,e(-1)]   =   .0362062     |
| Restrictns.  F[  1,    97] (prob) = 120.88 (.0000) |
| Not using OLS or no constant. Rsqd & F may be < 0. |
| Note, with restrictions imposed,  Rsqd may be < 0. |
|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |t-ratio |P[|T|>t]| Mean of X|
 Constant|     .62949533       .12930700     4.868   .0000
 X1      |     .29922589       .14993092     1.996   .0488   -.02496906
 X2      |     .33026944       .14804790     2.231   .0280    .00916115

--> create;z1=x2+1;z2=x1-x2$
--> regr;lhs=y;rhs=z1,z2$

| Ordinary    least squares regression               |
| Model was estimated Nov 17, 2007 at 07:48:36AM     |
| LHS=Y        Mean                 =  -.2977003E-01 |
|              Standard deviation   =   1.729971     |
| WTS=none     Number of observs.   =        100     |
| Model size   Parameters           =          2     |
|              Degrees of freedom   =         98     |
| Residuals    Sum of squares       =   238.5861     |
|              Standard error of e  =   1.560305     |
| Fit          R-squared            =   .1947475     |
|              Adjusted R-squared   =   .1865307     |
| Model test   F[  1,    98] (prob) =  23.70 (.0000) |
| Diagnostic   Log likelihood       =  -185.3719     |
|              Restricted(b=0)      =  -196.2018     |
|              Chi-sq [  1]  (prob) =  21.66 (.0000) |
| Info criter. LogAmemiya Prd. Crt. =   .9095654     |
|              Akaike Info. Criter. =   .9095600     |
| Autocorrel   Durbin-Watson Stat.  =  1.9275877     |
|              Rho = cor[e,e(-1)]   =   .0362062     |
| Not using OLS or no constant. Rsqd & F may be < 0. |
|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |t-ratio |P[|T|>t]| Mean of X|
 Z1      |     .62949533       .12930700     4.868   .0000   1.00916115
 Z2      |     .29922589       .14993092     1.996   .0487   -.03413021

--> wald;fn1=b_z1-b_z2$

| WALD procedure. Estimates and standard errors |
| for nonlinear functions and joint test of     |
| nonlinear restrictions.                       |
| Wald Statistic             =      4.97659     |
| Prob. from Chi-squared[ 1] =       .02569     |
|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]|
 Fncn(1) |     .33026944       .14804790     2.231   .0257

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