[GPlates-discuss] pygplates - motion paths

Peter Webb Peter.Webb at getech.com
Tue Jun 5 22:00:26 AEST 2018

Dear users,

I am relatively new to both python and pygplates. I have managed to create a script which:

  1.  reads a text file of points, using csv.reader
  2.  creates a gpml file of the points, using pygplates.PointOnSphere and pygplates.Feature
  3.  assigns plate id to the points, using pygplates.partition_into_plates
  4.  converts the points to motion paths, using pygplates.Feature.create_motion_path

I now want to export the motion path for each point as a polyline feature for use in ArcMap and/or export the paleolatitude/longitude values for each path as a text file.
Currently, my attempt to write the motion path features to a shapefile only writes the present day locations of the points
Is it possible to extract and export the polyline geometry of the motion path using pygplates? I would appreciate any advice, many thanks.

Thank you for your help,
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