[GPlates-discuss] Retreiving set of relative Euler poles
Christian.Heine at shell.com
Christian.Heine at shell.com
Fri Mar 24 20:49:46 AEDT 2017
doesn’t the following sequence do what you want?
1) Fix Africa/701
2) Reconstruction -> Export, set interval to 10 Myrs
3) “Add export” -> Chose “equivalent total rotation” and select format
4) Export.
From: GPlates-discuss [mailto:gplates-discuss-bounces at mailman.sydney.edu.au] On Behalf Of Douwe van Hinsbergen
Sent: Friday, 24 March 2017 10:39 AM
To: gplates-discuss at mailman.sydney.edu.au
Subject: [GPlates-discuss] Retreiving set of relative Euler poles
Hi all,
We have recently developed a tool on Paleomagnetism.org<https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2FPaleomagnetism.org&data=01%7C01%7Cchristian.heine%40shell.com%7Cffe73a00708d4d4ef24c08d47299a6d4%7Cdb1e96a8a3da442a930b235cac24cd5c%7C0&sdata=8C1BIdfuRt%2BrTDEw9NF6pQrykvQWXA1h%2BurGdhPoNEk%3D&reserved=0> to easily calculate a Global Apparent Polar Wander Path into the coordinates of a block in a GPlates reconstruction, so one can test the predictions of the reconstruction against paleomagnetic data.
To this end, one should fill out a set of total reconstruction poles of the block of choice relative to South Africa (701) in 10 Myr time intervals. I was wondering, does GPlates have a tool to export such a set of poles in one go? Getting the pole time slice by time slice is getting tedious…:)
Dr. Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen | Associate Professor | Department of Earth Sciences | Utrecht University| Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht | Room 8.09 | tel. (030) 253 6712 | D.J.J.vanHinsbergen at uu.nl<mailto:D.J.J.vanHinsbergen at uu.nl> | http://www.geologist.nl<https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.geologist.nl&data=01%7C01%7Cchristian.heine%40shell.com%7Cffe73a00708d4d4ef24c08d47299a6d4%7Cdb1e96a8a3da442a930b235cac24cd5c%7C0&sdata=gM3lkCqMG%2BdYu3pkiDM28oSFYqryWd9iFe9wOminbP0%3D&reserved=0> |
Christian Heine, PhD
Senior Geodynamicist
Specialist Geosciences PTU/E/F
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
SIP +31 7 0377 4341
W: http://www.shell.com
G: http://goo.gl/7GfvPZ
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