[GPlates-announce] GPlates 2.3 released

GPlates software release announcements gplates-announce at mailman.sydney.edu.au
Wed Sep 8 15:12:12 AEST 2021

Hi all,

We're pleased to announce the release of GPlates 2.3.

You can find out what's new at:

You can download GPlates 2.3 and compatible geodata from:

Note that we now ask for your name, email address and where you use GPlates (university/industry/govt/other) before downloading. This helps us directly notify you of updates/fixes to GPlates and our models/data, as well as demonstrate its impact for continued funding.

Documentation including the user manual, tutorials and the data manual may be found at:

Note that the user manual is now up to date.

John Cannon, Lead GPlates Developer - https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/1ptHCXLW2mUXWMx24FktPIf?domain=gplates.org
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