[Geodynamics] Assistant professor position in geodynamics in Lyon

Thomas Bodin thomas.bodin at ens-lyon.fr
Thu Feb 13 00:54:50 AEDT 2020

Dear all,

Please see below details for an assistant professor position in Lyon in 

Deadline for application is Mars 18th 2020.

*RESEARCH* : The Lyon Geology Laboratory (LGL-TPE) develops original 
research on the internal evolution of the Earth and Planets, including  
the  dynamics  since  the  accretion, mineralogy  and  tomography  of  
the  mantle.  The  laboratory wishes  to  reinforce  its  expertise  in  
the  field  of  the geodynamics  of  the  Earth  and  Planets.  We  
open  a  position of  "Maître  de  Conférence"  (equivalent  to  a 
Lectureship/Associate  Professorship).  We  seek  a  geophysicist with  
strong  skills  in  numerical  and/or  experimental modelling.  The  
topics  covers  the  geodynamics  of  the  Earth and  Planets  at  
large,  geodynamics of the global Earth (including the upper mantle and 
the lithosphere) and geodynamics of the Early and deep Earth (lowermost 
mantle, outer and inner core). Applications showing interest in 
modelling the evolution of the Earth to its current state, which would 
stimulate links with observations made in the groups "Earth and planets" 
(global seismology,  geochemistry,  mineralogy)  and  "Surface  and 
Lithosphere  "  of  the  LGL-TPE,  will  be  considered  with attention.

Research contact : Eric DEBAYLE, DR, eric.debayle at ens-lyon.fr, +33 (0)4 
72 44 58 03

*TEACHING : *The assistant professor will teach Earth and planetary 
Sciences at the University Lyon 1. He/she will provide general education 
in Geosciences to the first-year students as well as more specialized 
courses in Geophysics in second and third  year  of  Bachelor  
(Licence).  Geophysical  methods  are mandatory  topics  for  both  
final  years  of  the  applied  and fundamental curricula “L3 applied 
geosciences’’ and “L3 Geosciences”. The assistant professor is also 
expected to teach Geodynamics in the Master of Earth Sciences and to the 
MEEF Master’s students (future high school teachers). The candidate will 
be familiar with and show willingness to develop innovative pedagogical 

Teaching contact : Cathy QUANTIN-NATAF, PU, 
cathy.quantin-nataf at univ-lyon1.fr, +33 (0)4 72 43 13 55

Details can be found here:


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