[ASA] Have you been impacted by space-specific regulatory measures?
Caroline Foster
c.foster at unsw.edu.au
Fri Feb 28 14:04:39 AEDT 2025
Dear colleagues,
A colleague of mine at UNSW Canberra (Duncan Blake, duncan.blake at unsw.edu.au<mailto:duncan.blake at unsw.edu.au>) is part of the newly formed Workshops on the Regulation of Space Activities and Technologies (WRegSAT) initiative. This Australian programme "represents a groundbreaking initiative at the forefront of space governance research". In their first series in 2025 they are undertaking a comprehensive Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the regulatory framework for space activities and technologies and their review encompasses astronomy. For more information on WRegSAT, please visit , https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/JV_GC0YKPvirBEr0qCwfoT9-dxg?domain=spacegovcentre.org.
My colleague is interested to get in touch with an Australia-based astronomer(s) who has(ve) had to deal with/been impacted by the space-specific regulatory measures. I know many of you are involved in space programmes. Is that you? If so, please contact Duncan directly on the email provided above.
Cheers, Caro...
Dr Caroline Foster (She/Her)
ARC Future Fellow, Scientia Senior Lecturer
School of Physics, Faculty of Science
Room 129, Level 1, Old Main Building
UNSW Sydney 2052
E: c.foster at unsw.edu.au<mailto:c.foster at unsw.edu.au>
T: +61 2 9348 0982, M: +61 4 3045 3532
W: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/N3CoCgZ0N1iYygY5Ouoh1T4IOc8?domain=research.unsw.edu.au
Office days: Tuesday-Friday; Working remotely: Monday
“[…] it is astronomy which has made us a soul capable of comprehending nature; that under heavens always overcast and starless, the earth itself would have been for us eternally unintelligible; that we should there have seen only caprice and disorder […]”. – Henry Pointcaré in The value of Science
Note: I am neurodivergent with a need for clarity, specifics and context. My natural communication style is direct and honest, and my intentions are not to seem rude or abrupt. If you are unsure about my meaning, please know that I care and let's discuss. I find this resource<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/xRinCjZ1N7iym6y1Ku5iBTm2Jnh?domain=laconciergepsychologist.com> helpful. Here<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/hLvvCk81N9tqBLq38I9syTGLlsD?domain=neurodivergentinsights.com>’s another good one for those keen to deep dive into the history and science.
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UNSW is located on the unceded territory of the Bedegal (Kensington campus), Gadigal (City and Paddington Campuses) and Ngunnawal peoples (UNSW Canberra) who are the Traditional Owners of the lands where each campus of UNSW is situated.
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