[ASA] Call for interest in a 4MOST8 position.

Simon Driver simon.driver at uwa.edu.au
Tue Jan 28 17:40:45 AEDT 2025

Call for interest in one of the ongoing 4MOST8 positions.
The European Southern Observatory’s 4-meter Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/ywCBC6XQ4LfGWqZyJIpfBS5HoYR?domain=4most.eu> (4MOST) will commence observations around September 2024 and conduct a number of Galactic<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/HpuMC71R2NTWRwnZYIWhQSoresr?domain=4most.eu> and Extragalactic<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/Qu2CC81V0PTwkEBYgI2imSyLVbY?domain=4most.eu> consortium surveys, plus a number of community surveys. Over the first 5 years of operation the facility is expected to collect around 30 million spectra of stars, galaxies and AGN and help transform our understanding of the Galaxy and the Universe.
Australia has contributed the fibre-positioning system (AESOP<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/-_ozC91WPRTYODr2jIOsGSqC4zc?domain=astralis.org.au>), along with construction costs funded from two ARC LIEF awards. As a result the AAO, in its previous incarnation, negotiated for 8 members of the Australian community to join the 4MOST consortium. Two of these slots are now vacant and we now call for any scientist based at any Australian University or research institute who is interested in joining the 4MOST project to consider applying.
Membership will entitle you and your students to join up to 2 of the consortium surveys for the duration of the project and to continue in the role as long as you remain based at an Australian University or Institute, and remain active in the 4MOST project.
If you are interested in taking on a 4MOST 8 slot please submit a one-page summary that includes:

-        your name, job title/status and contact details

-        a short statement as to which 4MOST survey you are interested in (S1-S9 only)

-        a short statement describing how you would engage and value add to the survey

-        a short statement of the key science question you might hope to address
Applications should be kept to one-page and emailed to simon.driver at uwa.edu.au<mailto:simon.driver at uwa.edu.au> by 14th April.
Simon (Chair of 4MOST8 selection panel [see note 4]).

Additional information:
1. Details on the consortium surveys can be found at the 4MOST website: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/AlFXC0YKPvirypYmzcOt5S9ED3E?domain=4most.eu
2. Astronomers based at the Univ. of Macquarie or the Univ. of Western Australia are already entitled to sign up by emailing the consortium survey PI and hence do not need to apply for a 4MOST8 position.
3. Current and ongoing 4MOST8 members are:
            Prof Sarah Martell, University of New South Wales
            Prof Scott Croom, University of Sydney
            Prof Chris Blake, Swinburne University of Technology
            Prof Tamara Davis, University of Queensland
            Dr Yuan-Sen Ting, Australian National University
            Dr Michael Hayden, University of Sydney
4. The selection of the new 4MOST8 members will be made by a group consisting of:
Prof Simon Driver (4MOST Exec member, S7, S17 & S18),
Prof Scott Croom (active 4MOST8 member, S6, S7 & S8)
Prof Sarah Martell (active 4MOST8 member, S1 & S4)
Prof Daniel Zucker (4MOST Exec member, S1, S2, S3 & S4)
5. Informal enquiries to any of the above are most welcome. Every attempt will be made to achieve a balance in all areas, as well as ensuring a broad engagement across the 4MOST consortium surveys.
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