[ASA] [ASA2024] Opportunity for feedback and input on ASA2024

Moss, Vanessa (S&A, Marsfield) Vanessa.Moss at csiro.au
Wed Jul 3 14:57:35 AEST 2024

Hi all,

We have put together a survey to gather feedback on ASA2024 and to give the community the opportunity to provide input on what you would like to see in future ASMs.

Even if you did not attend this year’s meeting, we’d appreciate it if everyone could take ~10 min to complete the survey and provide feedback on what you would like to see prioritised in the Annual Science Meetings of the ASA.

The survey will remain open until 17:00 AWST on Wednesday July 31st, 2024, and can be accessed here: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/-bBjCGv0oyCWYE9PpcKVzqD?domain=forms.gle

On behalf of the ASA2024 NOC

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