[ASA] Swinburne Visiting Scholar

Deanne Fisher dfisher at swin.edu.au
Tue Jul 2 12:26:33 AEST 2024

Hello All,

I'm writing to let you know about the Swinburne Visiting Research Fellowship. This program offers women and gender diverse people the opportunity to visit CAS and interact with researchers and graduate students at Swinburne.

More information about the fellowship and application can be found here: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/_JqzCVARKgC09plJ8fG00Oc?domain=aas.org

Visiting Scholar Objectives

Promote collaborative ties between Swinburne astronomers and a network of national and international researchers
  *   Enable interaction of students with researchers in their discipline
  *   Develop career opportunities for early & mid-career researchers
  *   Further improve the research environment in CAS
  *   Foster mentoring relationships

The Swinburne Visiting Fellow program is open to women and nonbinary researchers at least 4 years from the award of their PhD, and fewer than 15 years, at the time of undertaking the visit. Note that the time since PhD can be extended to account for any career interruptions. In this event, please include an explanatory statement. The research must overlap with the interests of at least one faculty member of CAS, whom you should identify in the application.

Funding is up to $12k AUD, which is sufficient to cover typical international airfare and accommodation for the duration of the fellowship. Additional funding for childcare may be available on a needs basis, subject to funding availability.
The visit can take place in either 2024 or 2025, however tickets and accommodation must be paid for by end-of-year 2024.

Application Materials
Please submit a CV and a single PDF with the following materials to the email address dfisher at swin.edu.au<mailto:dfisher at swin.edu.au>

The proposal should be roughly 2 pages long (not more than three), discussing the proposed dates of visit, 2 presentations (discussed above) and/or any mentoring activities, research activities (identifying the CAS faculty member involved).

The deadline for application is 27 July.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Deanne Fisher

A.Prof Deanne B. Fisher
Astro3D Centre of Excellence (CI) Project Lead
Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing
Swinburne University
Phone: +61 39214 4996
email: dfisher at swin.edu.au
web: deannefisher.com
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