[ASA] 2024 ASA Awards

Stas Shabala stanislav.shabala at utas.edu.au
Mon Jun 24 11:37:54 AEST 2024

Dear ASA members,

The ASA is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 ASA Awards.

Bok Prize for outstanding research in astronomy by an Honours or eligible Masters student
Awarded to Sophie Young for her Honours thesis: “Free-free absorption in young radio galaxies”. Sophie completed her Honours thesis at the University of Tasmania, supervised by Stas Shabala and Ross Turner.

In addition, Tamsyn O’Beirne receives a Highly Commended for her Masters thesis “Exploring the Dark and Low Surface Brightness Universe with WALLABY” completed at ICRAR/UWA and supervised by Lister Staveley-Smith, Tobias Westmeier and Ivy Wong.

Charlene Heisler Prize for the most outstanding PhD thesis in astronomy
Awarded to Shyam Menon (ANU, now at Rutgers University, USA) for his thesis “The interplay of star formation and radiation feedback in the interstellar medium” supervised by Christoph Federrath.

In addition, Yaguang Li (University of Sydney, now at University of Hawaii) for his thesis “Developing tools for probing stellar interiors with asteroseismology” supervised by Tim Bedding.

Louise Webster Prize for outstanding research by a scientist early in their post-doctoral career
Awarded to Andrew Zic (CSIRO) for the paper ‘The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array third data release’ Zic, et. al. PASA (2023), 1-15

In addition, Dr Sabine Bellstedt (ICRAR/UWA) receives a Highly Commended for the paper ‘Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): a forensic SED reconstruction of the cosmic star formation history and metallicity evolution by galaxy type’ MNRAS 498, 5581 (2020)

Anne Green Prize for outstanding research by a mid-career researcher
This year we have the fabulous result of awarding two joint winners:

  *   Christoph Federrath (ANU) for his work on star formation: theory and computation
  *   Aaron Robotham (ICRAR/UWA) for his development of the ProTools suite of advanced analysis tools

Emerging Leaders in Astronomy Software Development Prize (sponsored by the Australian Research Data Commons)
Awarded to Dr Kate Harborne (ICRAR/UWA) for SimSpin, a software package that allows users to take galaxies output from theoretical simulations and produce a “mock” observation using an integral field spectrograph (IFS).

David Allen Prize
Awarded to Dr Sara Webb (Swinburne) for an impressive outreach presence, covering topics such as Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Women in Astronomy and Mysteries of the Universe, across numerous platforms, with a particular focus on educating young people via a diversity of outreach activities.

Ellery Lectureship
Awarded to Prof Matthew Colless for leading the pioneering large redshift and peculiar velocity surveys of galaxies to understand their evolution and the large-scale structures they form, and to measure cosmological parameters.

Congratulations to all our prize winners! Many of them will be sharing their research with us at this week’s ASM during the Hub Day on Wednesday.

Finally, many thanks to all our judges, and our Prizes Coordinator Tanya Hill, for devoting a considerable amount of their time to reading and reviewing the nominations.

Best wishes,


A/Prof Stas Shabala
President, Astronomical Society of Australia
Discipline of Physics | School of Natural Sciences | College of Science and Engineering
University of Tasmania

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