[ASA] Decadal Plan Town Halls: Working Group 2.2

Moss, Vanessa (S&A, Marsfield) Vanessa.Moss at csiro.au
Thu Jun 20 15:07:52 AEST 2024

Hi everyone,

Thanks to those who joined us for the first of our two town halls this week! For those who missed it or want to catch up on the discussion otherwise, please see here for the recordings and chat:


(my computer did a weird crash halfway through so we lost ~5 min of the recording, sorry! It's broken up into part 1 and part 2).

As noted previously, we have another town hall tomorrow, so please join us for that if you would like to weigh in on WG 2.2, or if you want to continue the conversation from today, you're very welcome to join again!

And a remind for other ways to engage with us and let us know your perspective directly:
Google form: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/-EbvCnx1jnilyjMNxfJOevn?domain=forms.gle
Slack channel: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/BbIFCoV1kpfloZx38fVR9z9?domain=app.slack.com

Thanks all,
Vanessa and Andrew
From: Moss, Vanessa (S&A, Marsfield) <Vanessa.Moss at csiro.au>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 June 2024 6:53 PM
To: Andrew Cole <andrew.cole at utas.edu.au>; ASA <asa at mailman.sydney.edu.au>
Cc: decadal-wg2-2-townhal-aaaamotk2pvfj7ht3odqcoeyom at asa-comms.slack.com <decadal-wg2-2-townhal-aaaamotk2pvfj7ht3odqcoeyom at asa-comms.slack.com>
Subject: Re: Decadal Plan Town Halls: Working Group 2.2

Hi all,

Just a reminder of these upcoming town halls:

11:00-12:00 AEST on Thursday 20th June 2024
16:00-17:00 AEST on Friday 21st June 2024
Note: these meetings will be recorded in order to make them available to those in the community who are unable to join live.

Zoom link: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/2MirCp81lrtQlKX3yCGVvFR?domain=us02web.zoom.us
Meeting ID: 856 0114 1337
Passcode: 013327

Regardless of whether you can join live or not, we welcome your input via our WG 2.2 form:

Thanks, and see some of you tomorrow,
Vanessa and Andrew for WG 2.2
From: ASA <asa-bounces at mailman.sydney.edu.au> on behalf of Andrew Cole <andrew.cole at utas.edu.au>
Sent: Friday, 14 June 2024 5:09 PM
To: ASA <asa at mailman.sydney.edu.au>
Cc: decadal-wg2-2-townhal-aaaamotk2pvfj7ht3odqcoeyom at asa-comms.slack.com <decadal-wg2-2-townhal-aaaamotk2pvfj7ht3odqcoeyom at asa-comms.slack.com>
Subject: [ASA] Decadal Plan Town Halls: Working Group 2.2

Dear all,

We cordially invite you to join virtual town hall meetings for the astronomy Decadal Plan Working Group on National and University Facilities (WG 2.2). We encourage you to please pass on this information to anyone relevant and/or interested in this topic who may not be part of the ASA mailing list.

Details below:

11:00-12:00 AEST on Thursday 20th June 2024

16:00-17:00 AEST on Friday 21st June 2024

Note: these meetings will be recorded in order to make them available to those in the community who are unable to join live.

Zoom link: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/2MirCp81lrtQlKX3yCGVvFR?domain=us02web.zoom.us

Meeting ID: 856 0114 1337

Passcode: 013327

Purpose of the town halls

The aim of these town halls is to get wide community input on 1) how national and local astronomy facilities are serving their users, 2) what capabilities will be needed during the period of the next Decadal Plan, 3) what roadblocks or challenges face the builders/managers/users of such facilities, and 4) any other items or issues you would like to bring to the attention of WG 2.2.

Online form for community input in advance of town halls

In addition to the town halls and demographic surveys, we welcome your input to help shape the form of the WG 2.2 report for the Decadal Plan. Please let us know your perspective via this form. You may optionally choose to remain anonymous in your submission.


ASA Slack channel

There is an ASA-hosted Slack channel that will be used to help the discussions during these meetings, and you can reach us there already with any comments or questions:


ASA2024 presence of WG 2.2

As part of ASA2024, you will be able to meet with representatives of WG 2.2 during some of the online exhibit sessions, so please feel free to also approach us during the meeting with any further questions or comments in the context of WG 2.2!

We look forward to seeing you in the town halls next week.


Vanessa and Andrew for WG 2.2

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