[ASA] Decadal Plan for Australian Astronomy: Demographics Survey

Stas Shabala stanislav.shabala at utas.edu.au
Mon Apr 29 11:15:42 AEST 2024

Dear colleagues,

As you probably know, our community is in the process of drafting the next Decadal Plan for Australian Astronomy<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/9gGQC71R2NTEWl1vms8_e7J?domain=science.org.au>. This document, covering the period 2026-2035, will articulate a strategic vision for Australian astronomy. It will also set a roadmap for addressing critical scientific questions, and building the necessary infrastructure and workforce.

This email is to request your contribution to this process, by completing an individual survey:


The survey is aimed at everyone who works in Astronomy in Australia including MSc/PhD students, administration and support staff, casual, fixed-term and continuing employees. Astronomy Alumni are also invited to complete the survey. This is a once-in-ten year opportunity to shape the future of Australian Astronomy. Everyone's participation is highly valued.

This survey has been coordinated by the Demographics, Society and Workforce working group, with input from all other working groups. The aim of the survey is to capture the scientific and human demographics of the Australian astronomical community in 2024, and collate relevant information on educational, training, and career pathways.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential. The full data will be held securely at the Australian Academy of Science and will only be available to the Demographics, Society and Workforce working group co-chairs and a research assistant. Data will only be reported in aggregate form. Participation is voluntary, and you may exit the survey at any time. Further details on data privacy are available on the first page of the survey.

We request your feedback by 23:59 AEST (21:59 AWST) on Tuesday 21 May.

Please feel free to forward this message on to Australian Astronomy colleagues who may not be on the ASA mailing list.

Thank you in advance for contributing to the Decadal Plan process.

Best wishes,

Emma Ryan-Weber and Stas Shabala, WG 3.1 Demographics, Society and Workforce co-Chairs

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