[ASA] [GA2024] IAU Symposium 394: All-inclusive AGN

Sarah White sarahwhite.astro at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 19:21:33 AEDT 2024

Dear all,

[Apologies if you receive this email multiple times.]

As you may be well-aware, given numerous emails, we are now less than 3
weeks away from the *1st-March-2024 deadline
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/HvY-COMKzVTNV9407SEGvv9?domain=astronomy2024.org/>)* for:
* Submitting abstracts for the IAU General Assembly in Cape Town (GA2024)
* Applying for a grant, to support participation in GA2024
* Registering to qualify for the Early-Bird registration fee (

*We invite you to our IAU symposium, which is catered specifically for
studies of active galactic nuclei (AGN), and titled: 'All-inclusive AGN'

'AGN' is a key research topic in galaxy evolution, given the abundance of
evidence that suggests a cause-and-effect relationship between galaxies and
the supermassive black-holes at their cores. We will discuss the latest
results in observation- and simulation-driven studies, covering both
multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy over a wide range of spatial
scales and timescales. In particular, we will showcase work that uses
southern-hemisphere telescopes such as MeerKAT
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/3N2OCROND2uG9kBRMuOfVdL?domain=sarao.ac.za>, SALT
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/zO3gCVARKgC2rL95WcQTUDy?domain=saao.ac.za>, H.E.S.S.
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/wZggCWLVXkU67gGPMSpjbVu?domain=mpi-hd.mpg.de>, ALMA
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/MvJ9CXLW2mU4vy0q8I70A_x?domain=almaobservatory.org>, and the VLT
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/arMJCYW8NocDRJONnTj-xMr?domain=eso.org>, in
addition to exciting, new observations from JWST
EHT <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/dpYwC1WLPxc6yD5kPSAVBXm?domain=eventhorizontelescope.org>, and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/VbtDC2xMQziVqJORBtpFYR4?domain=rubinobservatory.org>. Furthermore, we will incorporate a
discussion on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in Astronomy — which
is pivotal for the whole community — because researchers may not commonly
set aside time to participate in EDI talks or see the relevance of EDI

*Topics included:*

   - Co-evolution of AGN and their host galaxies
   - Multiwavelength AGN studies and future observing facilities
   - Simulations of AGN, host galaxies and their gas environments
   - Time-domain studies of AGN (e.g. reverberation mapping)
   - Multimessenger astrophysics connected to AGN (e.g. gravitational
   waves, neutrinos)
   - AGN classification and unification models
   - Mechanical and radiative AGN feedback mechanisms
   - The intergalactic and circumgalactic medium (IGM/CGM) of AGN host
   - Star formation and molecular gas in AGN host galaxies
   - The evolution of AGN at high redshift

*Our confirmed, invited speakers and panel-members include:*
Prof. Roberto J. Assef [he] (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile)
Dr Beatriz Mingo [she] (The Open University, UK)
Dr Dylan Nelson [he] (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Dr Nicole Thomas [she] (University of Western Australia, Australia)
Dr Jan Scholtz [he] (Kavli Institute for Cosmology (Cambridge), UK)
Prof. Jarita Holbrook [she] (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
Prof. Debra Meyer [she] (The University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
Prof. Prajval Shastri [she] (Raman Research Institute, India)
Dr Alfredo Carpineti [he] (Chair & Founder of ‘Pride in STEM’)

and we look forward to your contributions towards addressing the many open
and unanswered questions that have been discussed widely in the literature,
such as:

AGN feedback


   What is the role of jets in driving AGN outflows? How do outflows evolve?

   What are relativistic jets composed of and what powers their

   How do radio jets, outflows, and radiative processes interact with their
   host galaxies and galaxy haloes?

Black-hole feeding and accretion


   How does the fuelling gas reach the innermost region of the AGN?

   What are the causes and observables of extreme AGN variability?


   What is the AGN X-ray corona’s origin and structure?

*The torus and dust obscuration*


   What is the structure and composition of the dusty torus?

   How is accretion flow affected by the torus?

Properties of the host galaxies


   Which AGN processes produce the various emission lines observed?

   How does the morphology, stellar populations, dust and metallicity of a
   galaxy co-evolve with the AGN?

The ISM, IGM, and CGM


   What is the interplay between accretion, star formation and the ISM in
   the host galaxies?

   How does AGN feedback affect the observable properties of the IGM and

   How is gas accretion from the CGM, or directly from the IGM, affected by
   the physics of the ISM and by AGN feedback?

*AGN population studies*


   How is gravitational-wave astrophysics affecting our understanding of

   Are AGN an important astrophysical source of high-energy neutrinos?

   What is the typical variability of AGN and how can we improve
   reverberation mapping of AGN?

Cosmic evolution of AGN


   How were black holes of the highest-redshift AGN formed?

   What role did AGN play during the Epoch of Reionisation?

This symposium is an excellent 5-year follow-up to the IAU Symposium held
in Ethiopia on “Nuclear activity in galaxies across cosmic time”, and so
will continue to establish and develop international collaborations across
and beyond the African continent. For this to be successful, we need you
and your *active* engagement! [ If you pardon the pun ;) ]

*We very much look forward to seeing you at 'All-inclusive AGN', either
in-person or online.*

*Best wishes,*
*Sarah and Sthabile*

*on behalf of the 'All-inclusive AGN' SOC:*
*Chair*: Dr Sarah V. White [she] (South African Astronomical Observatory
[SAAO], South Africa)
*Vice-Chair*: Dr Sthabile Kolwa [they/she] (University of Johannesburg,
South Africa)
Prof. Tao An [he] (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory [SHAO], China)
Prof. Sara Ellison [she] (University of Victoria, Canada)
Assoc. Prof. Preeti Kharb [she] (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics
[NCRA], India)
Dr Vincenzo Mainieri [he] (European Southern Observatory [ESO], Germany)
Prof. Roberto Maiolino [he] (University of Cambridge, UK)
Dr Lucia Marchetti [she] (University of Cape Town, South Africa) – IAU
Division-J representative
Dr Andrea Merloni [he] (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
[MPE], Germany)
Assoc. Prof. Leah Morabito [she] (Durham University, UK)
Dr Roderik Overzier [he] (Observatório Nacional, Brazil)
Dr Annalisa Pillepich [she] (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy [MPiA],
Prof. Mirjana Pović [she] (Space Science & Geospatial Institute [SSGI],
Ethiopia/IAA-CSIC, Spain)
Prof. Elaine Sadler [she] (University of Sydney and CSIRO, Australia)
Assoc. Prof. Stas Shabala [he] (University of Tasmania, Australia)
Dr Daniel Stern [he] (Jet Propulsion Laboratory [JPL]/California Institute
of Technology, US)
Assoc. Prof. Ryan Trainor [he] (Franklin & Marshall College, US)


Dr Sarah White (she/her), astronomersforplanet.earth

Astronomer (sarahwhite.astro at gmail.com , sarah.white at saao.ac.za)

South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO),

P.O. Box 9, Observatory, 7935, South Africa.
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