[ASA] Outcomes for ASA Poll - the Voice referendum

Stas Shabala stanislav.shabala at utas.edu.au
Mon Sep 11 14:37:12 AEST 2023

Dear ASA Members,

Thank you to those who voted and offered thoughtful responses in the comments to our poll relating to the upcoming referendum.

Of the 256 responses, 76.6% were in favour of the Society publicly expressing our support for a Yes vote, and 23.4% were against the idea. Approximately one third of those who voted provided feedback to Council in their responses.

As a diverse group of individuals we clearly hold a range of different views on this issue. Many of the open comments expressed support for the proposed ASA statement. A slightly smaller number of those who provided comments, irrespective of their personal vote, strongly felt that it is not the ASA’s role to take a position on this issue.

The ASA Council appreciates that when a social issue becomes politicised it can be difficult to express a view on the social point without this also appearing in some part to be a political statement. As pointed out by several members, Australian astronomy has a track record of constructive engagement with Indigenous communities which transcends politics.

A statement reflecting the poll results has been posted on the ASA website<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/XmIICOMKzVTNO9vvjtEt3nX?domain=asa.astronomy.org.au>:

The Astronomical Society of Australia supports a Yes vote in the referendum to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice enshrined in the Constitution.

The astronomy community works closely with indigenous communities on aspects relating to Australian astronomy infrastructure, and there is a deep appreciation of Australia’s first astronomers by the Society’s membership.

A poll of the Society’s membership showed that a large majority of respondents are in favour of the Society expressing a position in support of a Yes vote in the referendum.

The Astronomical Society of Australia is committed to mutual respect among our members. Whatever your thoughts on the issue, we encourage you to read and reflect on available information and to discuss the upcoming referendum and its outcomes for our nation over the coming weeks openly, thoughtfully, and respectfully.

Thank you for your contributions to this decision, and the frank and fearless – and overwhelmingly respectful – feedback.

Best wishes,


A/Prof Stas Shabala
President, Astronomical Society of Australia
Discipline of Physics | School of Natural Sciences | College of Science and Engineering
University of Tasmania

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