[ASA] Fwd: [sdss4-general 4492] SDSS-V Opportunity: Milky Way Mapper Program Head!

Andy Casey andrew.casey at monash.edu
Sat Jun 24 09:35:09 AEST 2023

Hello all,

There is a unique opportunity available to take over the role of Milky Way Mapper Program Head in SDSS-V.

This role is open to people at non-SDSS-V research institutions. Please see the details below. If you have any interest in the role and have questions about it, I’d be happy to help you get answers.

Please let me know if you think of someone who would be excellent for this role, but might just need encouragement.



Andy Casey

School of Physics and Astronomy
Office 114, 10 College Walk
Monash University VIC 3800

M: +61 (0)431 296 185
T: +61 3 9905 1602
W: astrowizici.st

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Juna Kollmeier <jak at carnegiescience.edu>
Date: 24 Jun 2023, 6:05 AM +1000
To: sdss5-general at sdss.org, sdss4-general at sdss.org, apogee2 <apogee2 at sdss.org>
Subject: [sdss4-general 4492] SDSS-V Opportunity: Milky Way Mapper Program Head!
> Dear all,
> Please see the opportunity below for the Milky Way Mapper Program Head!
> Jennifer Johnson has AMAZINGLY carried this torch since the AS4 days  (and long past the duration she told me she would!  thank you Jennifer!).  She would like to now focus on the upcoming Data Release and juicy MWM science, and give someone else a turn to wear one of the 3 SDSS-V Rings of Science Empowerment (think, LOTR, but the ring only allows you to help people do great work!)
> We are therefore seeking someone to step into this critical role within SDSS-V.
> See notice below!  Not for the faint of heart or weak of mind!   Could it be you?  Please circulate broadly.
> Thanks,Juna
> Milky Way Mapper Program HeadBackground:The Sloan Digital Sky Survey V (SDSS-V), an international collaboration of universities and research institutions, is currently operating the next generation of the highly successful SDSS under the auspices of the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC). SDSS-V consists of three spectroscopic surveys to map the evolution, stellar physics and ISM physics of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies and trace the growth of black holes in the early Universe. Routine survey operations began last year and will continue through mid-2027. The surveys will produce a massive amount of scientific data that will be made publicly available in the tradition of SDSS. Data will be distributed from an expanded data archive developed for previous SDSS surveys.The surveys are being conducted at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, USA, and at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile with a combination of existing facilities and new instrumentation and data systems constructed specifically for SDSS-V. The survey operation, the data reduction and analysis and the scientific focus in SDSS-V is organized in the three `mapper programs’, one of which is the Milky Way Mapper (MWM) program: it aims to map the chemo-dynamical evolution of the Galaxy, with a focus on the disk, the inner part and the far side; and it aims to provide a comprehensive multi-epoch data set on stellar physics.Job Summary:We seek to fill the position of MWM Program Head (PH). The Milky Way Mapper program head is one of the critical roles within SDSS-V. During bright time (and to lesser extent, dark time), SDSS-V observes a variety of stellar targets across the HR diagram, with science goals that encompass Galactic archeology and stellar physics.
> The Program Head works with the SDSS-V Management Committee to ensure the scientific success and health of the Milky Way Mapper program. The PH has overall technical, scientific, and management responsibility for the successful implementation and science of the MWM, including assessing and prioritizing project needs in light of budget constraints, building and managing an effective science team and collaboration to maximize science output, ensuring data quality and the regular delivery of the MWM outputs as defined within the Science Requirements Document (SRD). This includes SRD-compliant pipeline products, and planning the remaining survey operations to ensure maximum survey efficiency and completion of the SRD. The PH also will oversee the documentation efforts for data releases, ensuring appropriate contributions to the website and data release papers and working with the technical teams to produce the needed technical papers.
> Job Duties: • Work with the MWM and software development teams on the data reduction tools through team effort on pipelines, tagged data reductions, identifying and prioritizing pipeline upgrades, recruiting and managing the team to improve these, ensuring pipelines and data products are documented • Work with the MWM and operations teams to ensure data quality in the following areas • Quality of the extracted spectra (Spectrophotometry, line spread function, etc.) • New spectral analysis pipelines  for the “Astra” framework – e.g. BOSSNET • Inclusion of NLTE 3-D model grids for stellar labels • Long term RV drift • Ensure that regular and frequent internal data releases (IPLs)  and that there are high-cadence stellar-parameter updates • Work with survey planning and science teams to adjust observing strategies, priorities, and survey planning to maximize science (via the robostrategy software), as the survey nears completion.  • Organize the team in writing documentation, including for DR papers and website updates and technical papers • Contribute to annual reports for the Advisory Council, Sloan Foundation, NSF and others and contribute to proposal writing as needed • Work with the data team and pipeline teams to package and release the data for DRs with completed data models, etc. • Liaise with SOC for collaboration meetings and organize MWM-specific splinter sessions, conferences, and workshops • Work with WGs to identify important projects and move them forward. Make sure that the WGs have good, active leadership and recruit new people as needed. • Work with MC about including open fiber targets and possible rapid response.
> The current MWM Program Head,  Jennifer Johnson, will be continuing in SDSS-V as as the MWM DR19 Lead and will be available for onboarding the new PH.
> Rewards of the position:The main reward for the considerable investment of time that this position requires is - perhaps obviously – the crucial role in shaping the scientific success of a world-leading spectroscopic survey. Beyond that, PH candidates that are already part of the collaboration can expect credit towards architect status and (partial/summer) salary support. For possible PH candidates that are not yet part of the collaboration, credit toward survey membership (either in-kind or as external participant) would be considered.   The details are subject to the negotiation between the successful candidate and the SDSS-V director.
> Application Instructions:To apply for this position, submit a curriculum vitae and a 1-2 page cover letter explaining your interest in the position, qualifications, relevant background, and any special considerations to the SDSS-V Director Juna Kollmeier (jak at cita.utoronto.ca), SDSS-V Project Scientist Hans-Walter Rix (rix at mpia.de), and Spokesperson Keith Hawkins (keithhawkins at utexas.edu ). The review of applications will begin on June 30 and continue until the position is filled. Selection will be made by the SDSS-V Director in consultation with the SDSS-V Central Project Office and Management Committee.  We encourage all interested individuals, including women and underrepresented minorities, to apply. Please forward this announcement to anyone you feel may be a qualified candidate and encourage them to apply. Feel free to contact the current MWM Program Head, Jennifer Johnson (jaj at astronomy.ohio-state.edu), with any questions.____________________________________________________________
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