[ASA] Fwd: WST conference in Vienna: abstract deadline on April 15th

Gayandhi De Silva gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au
Sun Apr 2 13:14:30 AEST 2023

Dear colleague,

We would like to remind you that the deadline for abstract submission is approaching, April 15th.

We invite you to consider submitting an abstract and joining us in Vienna to shape this new exciting facility!


         Abstract Submission Deadline: April 15, 2023

Symposium “Science with the future Wide-Field Spectroscopic Telescope”

Vienna, Austria: May 23-26, 2023

webpage: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/-oeXCGv0oyCBBBJxjhK5ntx?domain=wstelescope.com<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/-oeXCGv0oyCBBBJxjhK5ntx?domain=wstelescope.com>
email:       wstelescope at gmail.com<mailto:wstelescope at gmail.com>

Important DATES:
- abstract submission: 15 Apr 2023
- first program available: 1 May 2023
- registration deadline: 7 May 2023
- symposium: 23 May (2pm) - 26 May (6pm) 2023


Over the next decade, we expect a deluge of high-quality data
delivered by the upcoming large ground-based (e.g., LSST/VRO, SKA,
CTA) and space-based (e.g., JWST, Euclid, Roman Space Telescope,
Athena) telescopes. In parallel the Gaia astrometric mission will have
its final release. The imaging capabilities of some of these new
facilities will detect and classify a huge number of objects. However,
to learn what they are, spectroscopic follow-up on the main
representatives as well as rare cases at adequate spectral resolution
and cadence is required. Given the expected number of sources only a
dedicated spectroscopic facility will be able to fully realise the
scientific potential of these wide-field imaging surveys.  The demand
for a large telescope dedicated to spectroscopic surveys is an
interest shared worldwide and figures explicitly in many national
strategic science plans (e.g., US 2020 decadal survey, 2016-2025
decadal plan for Australian astronomy, Canadian astronomy long range
plan 2020-2030, European Astronet Roadmap 2023). A consortium of
European and Australian research institutes is studying an innovative
10-m class wide-field spectroscopic survey telescope (WST<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/8zZbCJyBrGfBBB8G0hGf_b2?domain=wstelescope.com>) with
simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view and high multiplex
multi-object spectrograph facility with both medium and high
resolution modes (MOS), and a giant panoramic integral field
spectrograph (IFS). The originality of the concept, compared to other
proposed facilities is to have the simultaneous operation of a giant
IFS and a high multiplex MOS.

The main aim of the meeting is to engage the astronomical community in
shaping this future facility. The science covered by a dedicated
spectroscopic facility is extremely wide, but we foresee  that the
scientific contributions  at the meeting will cover at least the
following main science topics for which a major impact is expected
from a facility like WST:

  *   The nature of the dark Universe and its accelerated expansion.
  *   Galaxy assembly and the formation of the Cosmic Web.
  *   The formation history of the Milky Way and dwarf galaxies in the Local Group.
  *   Spectroscopic characterization of transients and time-variable phenomena.

One long lasting legacy of the meeting will be a White Paper which
describes in detail the innovative science drivers for WST and the
derived Top Level Requirements.

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