[ASA] 2023 ACAMAR workshop: Gas in Galaxies

Shona Madoc smadoc at swin.edu.au
Wed Mar 29 15:09:43 AEDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

ACAMAR, the Australia-ChinA ConsortiuM for Astrophysical Research<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/hO8_CK1DvKTDq1QGAIMYVZQ?domain=acamar.org.au>, is sponsoring a four-day workshop on Gas in Galaxies<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/mFN_CL7EwMfkP30ZoCq3t9H?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au>, to be held from 25-28 July, 2023 in Western Australia.

The flow of gas to and from the interstellar medium (ISM) and circumgalactic medium (CGM) is important in controlling the star-formation rates of galaxies. The flow is controlled by many physical parameters such as mass, specific angular momentum, collisions, tidal forces, temperature, ram pressure and feedback mechanisms. A better understanding of complex nature of gas flows in galaxies is being provided by new optical IFU, new 21-cm HI radio observations, and new molecular line observations. The headline facilities for Australia-China collaboration are the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope and the Chinese Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), which are each world-class facilities producing leading research in the field. Team members already enjoy a good level of collaboration. We propose a workshop to discuss:

  1.  HI science related to ISM physics, galaxy evolution, and cosmology;
  2.  Synergies with multiwavelength optical, IR and millimetre facilities;
  3.  How to most effectively extract science from existing and up-coming surveys and how to coordinate to maximise science impact.

This will be an in-person event held in Perth, Australia. Information about remote attendance will follow.

There will be presentations and discussions on the following topics:

  *   Milky Way
  *   Low-z extragalactic: detailed analysis
  *   Low-z extragalactic: statistical analysis
  *   High-z extragalactic and absorption lines
  *   Low and high-z molecular lines


  *   HI science for the up-coming data of WALLABY, FAST, MeerKAT, etc.
  *   Multiwavelength synergies and simulations
  *   HI science specifically for the SKA era


  *   VR for shared data analysis
  *   VR for remote meetings

Important dates:

  *   Abstract Submission closing date: 2023-05-15
  *   Registration closing date: 2023-05-15
  *   Program Release date: 2023-06-01

Register via the workshop website<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/mFN_CL7EwMfkP30ZoCq3t9H?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au/>.

We look forward to your abstract submissions and to welcoming you to this workshop in July.

On behalf of the SOC and LOC,
Lin Li


Dr. Lin LI

Science & Technology Management Division             ACAMAR's Chinese Secretariat

Website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/KAeHCMwGxOt25JpAofJjYVk?domain=pmo.ac.cn<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/KAeHCMwGxOt25JpAofJjYVk?domain=pmo.ac.cn>                              Website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bmtKCNLJyQUZN6YGncR6Wps?domain=acamar.org.cn<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bmtKCNLJyQUZN6YGncR6Wps?domain=acamar.org.cn>

Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS

Email: lilin at pmo.ac.cn
Tel:  +86-25-83332075

Address: Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Room302, Building2, No. 10 Yuanhua Road, 210023 Nanjing, China

科研处                                                                       ACAMAR中方秘书处
网站:https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/KAeHCMwGxOt25JpAofJjYVk?domain=pmo.ac.cn/<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/KAeHCMwGxOt25JpAofJjYVk?domain=pmo.ac.cn/>                                    网站:https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bmtKCNLJyQUZN6YGncR6Wps?domain=acamar.org.cn/<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bmtKCNLJyQUZN6YGncR6Wps?domain=acamar.org.cn/>

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