[ASA] Store your data with Data Central!

Simon O'Toole simon.otoole at mq.edu.au
Mon Nov 7 13:57:19 AEDT 2022

Are you looking for a place to store your survey data? Do you want your data to be available through the Virtual Observatory?

Then apply to store your data with Data Central!

Simply send the following information to datasets at datacentral.org.au<mailto:datasets at datacentral.org.au>:

  1.  Your survey name;
  2.  Which facility or facilities were used to obtain or create the data;
  3.  Two short paragraphs explaining the science behind the data and why you want to make it publicly available; and
  4.  The approximate volume of the data
  5.  The availability and timeline for the data (e.g. data in hand, data in final stages of QA, data reduction/analysis ongoing)
  6.  Contact details of the person who will be actively collating data and creating the necessary metadata

This is a rolling application – there is no deadline. However if you have data, the sooner you get your application in, the sooner you can publish your data!

One of the key goals of Data Central is to note just save your data, but to make it Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/rl4tC1WLPxcp3WM1WcL1crg?domain=go-fair.org>). We offer four key Virtual Observatory services that help with this: the Table Access Protocol or TAP<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/lzSlC2xMQzik1ypvyc18uyQ?domain=docs.datacentral.org.au>, the Simple Image Access Protocol or SIA<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Xq3iC3QNPBimqNpwNF2wI35?domain=docs.datacentral.org.au>, the Simple Spectrum Access Protocol or SSA<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/THcEC4QOPEiJgkBykHWMXj_?domain=docs.datacentral.org.au> and the Simple Cone Search service. We have developed the Data Aggregation Service<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/QiahC5QPXJi0ENZoNhxXU8V?domain=das.datacentral.org.au> where you can find everything you ever wanted to know about your favourite objects. We also manage the AAT archive at NCI<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/zY3fC6XQ4LfozwrEwhL-mON?domain=archives.datacentral.org.au> and our new Pipelines As a Web Service (PAWS)<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/atMJC71R2NTml7Av7F0TGry?domain=beta.datacentral.org.au> for 2dF+AAOmega data.

Priority will be given to data sets in this order:

  1.  Data obtained with ESO facilities or supporting these data (e.g. theory/simulation data)
  2.  Data that supports the Decadal Plan for Australian Astronomy (2016-2025)<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/sB8gC81V0PTj146l4tRJF_T?domain=science.org.au>
  3.  Data of international significance that would otherwise be lost
  4.  All other data

Applications will be considered by our Science Advisory Committee<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/ZOn0C91WPRTmQ7kv7FGFT3O?domain=docs.datacentral.org.au> and a priority list will be drawn up for ingestion.

Please note that we have moved to an application model for hosting data, to allow us to better prioritise datasets of national and international significance.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Simon O'Toole

Data Central is funded to deliver the Optical Data Centre (ODC), which is funded under the Astronomy National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) Program via Astronomy Australia Ltd (AAL).
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