[ASA] ASM 2022: A Wrap-up from Hobart

John Lattanzio john.lattanzio at monash.edu
Mon Jul 4 15:33:48 AEST 2022

Dear ASA Members
   Thanks to all participants and organisers for their role in this year's
ASM. While Covid did not dominate our plans this year, it ensured that we
realised that it has not gone away. Please join me in wishing a speedy
recovery to those who were unfortunate enough to catch the virus.

   Please join me in congratulating the winners of the various Prizes
awarded at the ASM:

*Best student posters:*1st Ellie Lietinger (U Queensland)
    *"A spatially complete view of multiple stellar populations in Galactic
globular clusters"*
    Gather Poster Room
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/C8RzC6XQ4LfoxGGN0tpCvLH?domain=app.gather.town> Upper-Left
2nd Kateryna Andrych (Macquarie U)
   *"Second-generation proto-planetary disks around evolved binary stars"*
    Gather Poster Room
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/C8RzC6XQ4LfoxGGN0tpCvLH?domain=app.gather.town> Lower-Left
3rd Elli Borchert (Monash U)
   *"On the rise times in FU Orionis events"*
    Gather Poster Room
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/C8RzC6XQ4LfoxGGN0tpCvLH?domain=app.gather.town> Lower-Right

*Best student poster videos:*1st Place was a tie between:
    -Simon Lee (U Adelaide)
    *"Towards a Network of Cherenkov Telescopes
    -Kirsten Banks (UNSW)
*     "Investigating the spectro-seismic connection of giant stars"
3rd Elli Borchert (Monash U)
     "*On the rise time of FU Orionis events

*Best student talks*
1st Place was a tie between:
    -Callan Wood (Curtin U)
   *  "Time-Resolved VLBI Imaging of Jet Launching in an X-ray Binary"
    -Nataliea Lowson (USQ)
    *"When You Wish Upon A Planet: The Encapsulating Tail of KELT-9b
3rd place was a triple dead-heat...!
      -Andrei Ristea (ICRAR)
        *“Stellar-gas kinematic misalignments as a probe of external
processes shaping galaxy evolution” <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/6o9LCjZ1N7ijkyyrGijJ5aI?domain=asa2022.org>*
      -Teagan Clarke (Monash U)
       *“All binary black hole mergers may form dynamically: the eccentric
perspective” <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/FDlYCk81N9tnZqqEXSNZue3?domain=asa2022.org>*
      -Kat Ross (Curtin U)
      * "Looking through rainbow coloured glasses: The importance of
spectral coverage in variability surveys"

*The Harley Wood Lecture:* Geraint Lewis (U Sydney)
    "Adventures in the Dark Side of the Universe"

*The Anne Green Prize:* Natasha Hurley-Walker (Curtin U)
    For a significant advance or accomplishment by a mid-career scientist.
    Natasha's nominated work was dedicated to her leadership in producing
an important new all-sky radio catalogue based on the MWA GLEAM. This led
to wide range of research and had a broad impact across astrophysics. In
particular, work led by Natasha resulted in identification of a new class
of long-period magnetars. This discovery gained very large publicity with
wide popular media coverage and outreach.
    See the Prize talk here <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/qwTzCnx1jniGQ66E3CKIABW?domain=asa2022.org>.

*The Louise Webster Prize: *Adam Stevens (UWA)
    For outstanding research by a scientist early in their postdoctoral
career, based on one publication.
    "Atomic hydrogen in IllustrisTNG galaxies: the impact of environment
paralleled with local 21-cm surveys"
     MNRAS, 483, 5334 (2019)
    See the Prize talk here <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/lbSICoV1kpfXJKKnPsNPAlG?domain=asa2022.org>.

*Charlene Heisler Prize: *Adelle Goodwin (Monash U; now at Curtin U)
    For most outstanding PhD Thesis: "On the Nature of Neutron Stars in
Accreting Systems"
    See the Prize talk here <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/M63TCp81lrtzPxx2OhBjqhS?domain=asa2022.org>.

*The Bok Prize:* Maria Djuric (U Sydney)
    For best Honours or Masters thesis: "Stellar spiral structure in the
MIlky Way"
    See the Prize talk here <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/ES7HCq71mwfOG77QkC2JlG8?domain=asa2022.org>.

    ...and an Honourable Mention to Isaac Colleran (Curtin U)

*The Peter McGregor Prize:* ASKAP Team (CSIRO)
The Panel judged that the key technical innovation of the multi-element
Phased Array Feed was an exceptionally innovative development, and formed
the basis of the Prize.
    See the Prize talk here <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/nReMCr81nytAXDDqnHRhWPO?domain=asa2022.org>.

*Berenice and Arthur Page Medal:* for excellence in amateur astronomy
Another tie, between
    * -Trevor Barry <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/qmYsCvl1rKiWoyy9LCnCBLr?domain=trevsastronomy.webs.com>; *for a broad range
of planetary science, in particular observations of Saturn’s North Polar
     -*Backyard Observatory Supernova Search (BOSS)
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/ekcTCwV1vMfLXRRjVTG-0rj?domain=bosssupernova.com> team*; for a coordinated, collaborative
program with a focus on supernovae studies.

The competition for all prizes was very intense, and indicates the
excellent research being done by our Community.

*Honorary Fellow:*
The Society elected Professor Virginia Kilborn (Swinburne U) as an Honorary
Fellow of the Society. Congratulations Virginia!

*Certificate of Appreciation:*
The Society awarded a Certificate of Appreciation to Professor Daniel Price
(Monash) "in recognition of his long-standing support and pioneering
leadership of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia"

Finally I would like to thank everyone involved with this hybrid meeting -
LOC, SOC (*especially *Krzysztof Bolejko) and all those who made the hubs
work. Much happens in the background that ensures things go smoothly and it
was appreciated by all, I am sure.

Note that all talks are available on the ASM website
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bChOCxngwOfJKQQlRTqqGCz?domain=asa2022.org>. Poster videos are here
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/wYFNC91WPRTmPYY0NCO9HZE?domain=asa2022.org>and the posters themselves are on
view in the poster rooms, accessed via gather

*Reminder*: if you had to change your travel plans due to Covid (for
example) and this incurred a cost that you* cannot recover from other
sources*, then you might consider the IDEA Community Fund.
is especially recommended for HDR studetns who would otherwise be out of

In closing, I look forward to seeing you all (vrtually and hopefully
physically) at Macqurie University next year!

John Lattanzio, President
*I'm an LGBTIQ Ally**      -     Find out more at **https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/i_vCCANpgjC9M11QlCmwthh?domain=monash.edu

Professor John Lattanzio
President, Astronomical Society of Australia

School of Physics and Astronomy
Monash University Victoria 3800 AUSTRALIA

Ph:  +61 (0)3 9905-4428
WWW: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/A1jSCD1vlpTBQOO9JCos20k?domain=users.monash.edu.au <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/8P0PCE8wmrtWK6670C1gKK-?domain=maths.monash.edu.au>

"May you be surrounded by friends and family, and if that is not your lot,
may the blessings find you in your solitude."  Leonard Cohen
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