[ASA] Machine Learning in Australian Astronomy

Sarah Brough s.brough at unsw.edu.au
Wed Jun 29 14:59:16 AEST 2022

Dear ASA Members,

I have been considering how to bring together astronomers (students, 
postdocs, faculty) in Australia working on Machine-Learning/Artificial 
Intelligence-type problems. The number of people working in this space 
is growing and the field is rapidly developing. I have been wondering 
how we should support one another in our research, ensure best practice 
and support current astronomers considering Machine-Learning/Artificial 
Intelligence/data science as alternate career paths.

Following initial discussions at the ASA ASM I have set up a Machine 
Learning in Australian Astronomy (MLAA) slack workspace to encourage 
conversations. You are welcome to join this slack space with the 
following link: 
(link will be active for 29 days)

There are other groups working on building machine learning communities 
within universities so I am keen not to re-invent the wheel, or cause 
more work for our busy community, so the slack space also welcomes you 
to share information on existing #resources and existing #events that 
are relevant to Australian astronomers working in this space.

We will meet via zoom Thursday 25th August at 11am (AEST; 9am AWST) for 
some initial conversations, more details on this meeting will be 
advertised through the MLAA slack.

Everyone in our community is welcome to join the conversation so please 
share this email with your colleagues.

If you have questions, comments or would like to get more involved 
please feel free to email me.

Cheers, Sarah

Professor Sarah Brough
Australian Science Lead for LSST
AD: #130, Old Main Building (K15) | UNSW Sydney | NSW 2052 | Australia
PH: +61 2 9065 2579

I am sending this message now because it suits me.  I don’t expect that you will read, respond to, or action it outside of your regular working hours.

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