[ASA] REMINDER: "Speed meet-a-mentor" event - Wednesday June 22

Henry Zovaro u5708159 at anu.edu.au
Mon Jun 20 09:03:32 AEST 2022

Dear ASA members,

This is a reminder to sign up for our “speed meet-a-mentor” event if you haven’t already done so. So far, we have more mentors than mentees, so if you are a student or a postdoc please consider coming along - it will be a relaxed and fun way to network with more senior members of the community before the ASA meeting starts next week.

Hope to see many of you there!


Dear ASA members,

The ASA Early Career Researcher Steering Committee will be hosting a virtual “speed meet-a-mentor” event on Wednesday 22nd of June (3-4:30pm AEST/1-2:30pm AWST). The event will be an online version of the popular in-person “speed mentoring” events held at ASA meetings in previous years, in which mentees and mentors are randomly paired to network and chat for a few minutes at a time.

We will run the event using Glimpse, an online platform that allows mentees to be matched with mentors for one-on-one video calls. Everyone is welcome, from students to professors, and anyone can sign up to be a mentee, a mentor, or both!

Please register for the event here by Monday 20th of June: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/vfwKC1WLPxcpxvNBLfL_m8u?domain=forms.gle<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/V4w8C2xMQzikWnzZ0s1qhVr?domain=aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com>

Kind regards,
Henry, on behalf of the ASA ECR steering committee

Dr. Henry Zovaro (he/him)
Postdoctoral fellow
Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Australian National University
Phone:  +61 2 6125 0240
Mobile: +61 413 300 254
Email: <mailto:henry.zovaro at anu.edu.au> henry.zovaro at anu.edu.au<mailto:henry.zovaro at anu.edu.au>

[cid:14FD5880-391D-44AD-85DD-7BB894FCD70C at anu.edu.au]

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