[ASA] Astro3D Postdoc in Starburst Galaxies and Outflows at Swinburne

Deanne Fisher dfisher at swin.edu.au
Wed Feb 23 09:32:33 AEDT 2022

Hello Colleagues,

I am looking for a postdoc at Swinburne. The main aim is to study star formation driven feedback, CGM imaging and/or outflows in starburst galaxies. I am interested in anyone with experience in IFU and/or radio interferometry observations and would be very excited about someone who wants to do a combined analysis of optical and CO. We have piles of very deep Keck/KCWI data to combine with ALMA, SMA and VLA data. I am also involved in other projects studying distant galaxies with ALMA and VLT, as well as using Hector data to study outflows.

If you know of any potential candidates who have interest in studying star formation, feedback or galaxy winds please forward them this email or the job ad information. They are more than welcome to contact me with questions. The position is part of Astro3D, so the postdoc will have access to career advancement assistance and extensive travel & networking options. They will work within my group that includes several graduate students, an Astro3D Fellow and typically honours/undergrad students.

The deadline is 13-March

Job Ad: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/8RSDCnx1jni70LWMQH9vf4s?domain=jobregister.aas.org


A.Prof Deanne B. Fisher
ARC Future Fellow
Astro3D Centre of Excellence (CI)
Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing
Swinburne University
Phone: +61 39214 4996
email: dfisher at swin.edu.au
web: deannefisher.com
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