[ASA] ESO job vacancies November 2021

stuart.ryder at astronomyaustralia.org.au stuart.ryder at astronomyaustralia.org.au
Wed Nov 17 13:54:31 AEDT 2021

Dear colleagues,


  On behalf of ESO and the Dept of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
we would like to bring the following outstanding job opportunity to your
attention, and that of anyone in your institution who may have the relevant
skills and experience.


 <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/sf1qCQnMBZfkZw17nfxZ1l3?domain=recruitment.eso.org> MOONS Astronomer / Project


Applications close: 6 January 2022


ESO is engaged in the operation and construction of a number of
state-of-the-art optical and infrared instruments for its observatories. The
Instrument Project Scientist supports the development of science goals for
new instruments, and monitors and nurtures those objectives during the full
development, construction and commissioning phases. The Project Scientist
thus ensures that the top-level requirements are fulfilled and that the
operational scenarios are commensurate with the scientific needs and the
constraints of the observatory. The development of the instruments may
either be carried out by a consortium of universities and institutes,
working in collaboration with ESO, or by an internal team at ESO. The
Project Scientist is a prime contact for the associated consortia, as well
as for the ESO scientific community at large when it comes to preparing for
and advertising the science. The successful applicant will be assigned to
follow one or more instruments at any given time .


ESO is looking for an enthusiastic and outstanding scientist, with the prime
objective to support and follow the new generation multi-object optical and
near-infrared spectrograph for the Very Large Telescope: MOONS
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Fw--CROND2uvZ3DNwINRUxO?domain=eso.org> . MOONS is a
remarkable spectrograph, which will be positioned at one of the Nasmyth foci
of the VLT, based on a fiber-positioner with superb multiplexing
capabilities, and delivering thousands of low / high spectral resolution
spectra. From surveys of nearby stars to remote high-redshift galaxies,
MOONS will be a powerful machine to probe the physics of astronomical
targets, and to reveal their formation and evolution histories, serving a
broad range of science topics and a large community of scientists throughout
the world. MOONS is in the final stages of its construction and integration
life, with a potential sky commissioning at Paranal in 2024. We expect the
successful candidate to acquire and/or develop unique competences and skills
which will be further applied and developed beyond the early operations of
MOONS for future ESO instrumentation projects. ESO encourages junior-career
scientists to apply for this position
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/sf1qCQnMBZfkZw17nfxZ1l3?domain=recruitment.eso.org> .



In addition there are several other ESO job vacancies we would like to bring
to your attention, and would be grateful if you would circulate among your
professional networks:




 <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/hWh3CVARKgCxQpnMVfyBeXB?domain=recruitment.eso.org> Programme Controller


22 Nov 2021

 <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/iwgPCWLVXkU5onL01inYRuz?domain=recruitment.eso.org> Process Engineer


22 Nov 2021

 <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/5JfQCXLW2mUXrLPmlCmMfw1?domain=recruitment.eso.org> Infrastructure System Engineer


22 Nov 2021


The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is the foremost intergovernmental
astronomy organisation in Europe and the world's most productive
ground-based astronomical observatory. ESO carries out an ambitious
programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful
ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important
scientific discoveries at various sites in Chile, and its headquarters in
Garching, Germany. Australia has a 10 year Strategic Partnership enabling it
to access ESO telescopes at La Silla Paranal Observatory, including the
world-leading 8 metre Very Large Telescope. Australians may also apply for
positions with ESO across all its operations on the same basis as member
states. Working at ESO gives Australians exposure to sophisticated
scientific and engineering skills and helps build formal and informal
networks with European astronomers, engineers and colleagues in other big
science organisations. Further details are available at ESO
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/MjGcCYW8NocLByW5KIZpWxx?domain=recruitment.eso.org> 's Recruitment Portal.



Applicants should be aware that:

*	Travellers will need to comply with visa and other entry
requirements for their destination country. You can stay up to date with
changes by consulting https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations for your
planned destination.
*	There are currently Australian Government bans on overseas travel by
unvaccinated Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals may be
able to apply for exceptions, if moving off-shore for your
business/employer, but that would depend on the nature of the reasons and
documentary evidence of circumstances. Each application would be assessed by
The Australian Border Force (ABF) Commissioner, on a case-by-case basis.
*	There are entry restrictions
<https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/coming-australia>  for unvaccinated
individuals returning to Australia, and mandatory quarantine, which may be
at the traveller's own cost.
*	The COVID-19 situation in overseas countries changes daily, and
there may be local or national lock-downs, quarantine, curfews and domestic
travel bans.
*	Consular support for Australians overseas may be limited in some
locations due to tight restrictions on local services and movements,
including for Australian embassy staff.
*	Many travel insurance policies won't cover claims relating to
COVID-19. Read insurance policies carefully to know what will and won't be


For additional information, please consult:

*	Smart Traveller Advice:
*	Department of Home Affairs Advice:
https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/leaving-australia and 


to learn about the differences between travel advice and travel bans.
*	https://subscription.smartraveller.gov.au/subscribe to subscribe to
receive news and travel advice updates.



Dr. Stuart Ryder
Program Manager (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Astronomy Australia Ltd.

T: +61 (02) 9372 4843

M: +61 (0419) 970834 
E:  <mailto:stuart.ryder at astronomyaustralia.org.au>
stuart.ryder at astronomyaustralia.org.au

W:  <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/55xjCZY1Nqi5BWqz1iXRQjk?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au> www.astronomyaustralia.org.au 

O: c/o AAO, 105 Delhi Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia


AAL endeavours to be an environmentally sustainable organisation built upon
equity, diversity and mutual respect for its staff and stakeholders.



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