[ASA] ANITA elections

Ilya Mandel ilya.mandel at monash.edu
Tue Feb 23 09:53:38 AEDT 2021

Dear ANITA members:

The Australian National Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (Chapter of the ASA) notifies that the regular term for one position on the ANITA steering committee is shortly coming to an end.  Krzysztof Bolejko will be stepping down as a steering committee member (see https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/fcBBCGv0oyCD4WE8HKENha?domain=anita.edu.au for full membership).  We therefore invite interested members to self-nominate for the newly opened position of steering committee member.

Please self-nominate by 10th of March 2020 by e-mailing our returning officer, Ashley Ruiter <ashley.ruiter at gmail.com>.  Elections will be held shortly after that date if there is more than one applicant.

Best wishes,

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