[ASA] New Research Team capabilities in the Optical Data Centre

Simon O'Toole simon.otoole at mq.edu.au
Fri Jan 15 12:14:42 AEDT 2021

We are pleased to announce new capabilities for research teams in the Optical Data Centre!

The Optical Data Centre (ODC) is a collaboration between AAO-Macquarie University, Australian National University and NCI. It is funded under the Astronomy National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) Program via Astronomy Australia Ltd (AAL).

Along with holding and serving optical and infrared data, the Optical Data Centre (powered by Data Central), also supports research teams to carry out their surveys and research projects. Our new capabilities include:

  *   Easy to setup and manage mailing lists on the datacentral.org.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/A8zECnx1jniYLX1Ah9fkGk?domain=datacentral.org.au> domain
  *   A research team-based instant messaging service powered by Zulip, similar to Slack, but free for astronomical research teams!
  *   Collaborative editing of Word documents and Excel spreadsheets held in the Data Central Cloud (https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/DQ07CoV1kpf0GD1jCzrF-m?domain=cloud.datacentral.org.au)
  *   Hosting of custom web applications that need to access ODC-held data

Please request a Research Team through our Teams portal: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/7bEkCp81lrtBL9J1CYv5Qn?domain=teams.datacentral.org.au and specify which services you would like to use. For existing teams, please email teams at datacentral.org.au<mailto:teams at datacentral.org.au> to request a new service.

We also have some new data services in the pipeline, including an IVOA-compliant Simple Spectrum Access service. This will be release in a few weeks, and we are developing example scripts to get the most out of them. To whet your appetite, we include some of the output of these scripts below.

Finally, we are always happy to accept your data! If you have data you’d like to share with the world, please contact us at admin at datacentral.org.au<mailto:admin at datacentral.org.au>


From the recent GALAH DR3:

From the 6dF Galaxy Survey with related imaging:
[Data Central] <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0Lz6Cr81nytGjrzPujhtzH?domain=datacentral.org.au>
Simon O'Toole<mailto:simon.otoole at mq.edu.au> • Head of Data & IT • Data Central Project Scientist<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0Lz6Cr81nytGjrzPujhtzH?domain=datacentral.org.au>

datacentral.org.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0Lz6Cr81nytGjrzPujhtzH?domain=datacentral.org.au> • Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/pjc_Cvl1rKi3gEPph5BBvQ?domain=mq.edu.au>


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