[ASA] OzGrav/AIP Public Lecture on gravitational wave science and technology

Yeshe Fenner yeshe.fenner at swin.edu.au
Tue Jun 30 13:03:30 AEST 2020

OzGrav/AIP public lecture
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                          You are invited to an OzGrav public lecture, as part of the Australian Institute of Physics lecture series:OzHF: What can Australia's proposed high-frequency gravitational-wave detector teach us about neutron stars?When: 10AM AEST, Friday 3rd July 2020Presenter: Dr Paul Lasky, OzGrav-Monash University 
Since the first detection of gravitational waves in 2015 from colliding black holes a billion light years away, the field of gravitational-wave astronomy has gone from strength to strength.  The watershed discovery of colliding neutron stars in 2017 that was seen with gravitational waves and across the electromagnetic spectrum gave new insights into the speed of gravity, how matter behaves at supranuclear densities, and cosmology. Paul will describe a detailed plan to build OzHF: a kilohertz-band extreme matter observatory in Australia. OzHF will measure the fundamental properties of nuclear matter at extreme densities. Its presence in the global array of gravitational-wave detectors will maximise the observatory's scientific impact, while also providing an avenue for technology development for the full third-generation of gravitational-wave detectors currently being explored across the globe.
Paul Lasky is an ARC Future Fellow, Senior Lecturer at Monash University, and winner of the 2018 Australian Academy of Science's Pawsey Medal. A gravitational astrophysicist with broad interests and expertise across theory, data, and observations, he is an active contributor to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration that, in 2015, made the first discovery of gravitational waves. His group has designed and built the software that LIGO uses to determine the astrophysical properties of detected gravitational-wave events. Lasky is a key player in the Australian plans to develop a dedicated kilohertz gravitational-wave detector targeting extreme matter.
Join via zoom: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/xFEQCYW8NocO9AmvI0r_P-?domain=monash.zoom.us  AIP-OzGrav










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