[ASA] Welcome and Support for our Black Community from the new IDEA Chapter Steering Committee

John O'Byrne john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au
Tue Jun 9 22:04:45 AEST 2020

Dear ASA members,

My name is Katie Jameson, I am currently a Bolton Fellow at CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (Kensington) and I have just recently taken over as the new Chair of the Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Astronomy (IDEA) Chapter Steering Committee. The overarching objective of the IDEA Chapter is to achieve an environment in all institutions associated with Australian astronomy that is welcoming and supportive of all academic staff, professional staff and students, regardless of gender and sexual identity, ethnic and cultural background, disability, age, family/carer responsibilities, political affiliation, and religious belief. This will be my third year serving on the IDEA Chapter Steering Committee and I am excited to take the lead and continue supporting and encouraging progress and improvement in our community. Joining me are the following members on the Steering Committee: Devika Kamath (Deputy Chair; Macquarie), Yuanming Wang (student member; Sydney Uni),  Michael Brown (Monash), Daniel Zucker (Macquarie), Andrew Cole (U Tasmania), Jimi Green (CSIRO),  Kate Chow (CSIRO), Ahmed Elagali (CSIRO).

As the first act of the new IDEA Chapter Steering Committee, we would like to express our support for our black students and colleagues given the recent tragic and brutal murders of Black Americans Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor in the US, which add to a long list of similarly tragic murders of black people by the police including over 434 Indigenous Australians since the year 1991<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/eL_VCXLW2mU6mOROF6cXHp?domain=theguardian.com>. We recognise and empathise with our different experiences and reactions to these events. We stand together with our black students and colleagues. The IDEA Chapter is committed to making a positive difference within our community, and we will continue to work towards that goal through the actions of our Chapter. We will be reflecting on all of this as we draw up our plans for the next year and decide on what action we plan to take. Look to hear from us in the next few weeks with an update.

One of the main ways those of us that identify as allies can start to dismantle systemic racism is to commit ourselves to anti-racist work. A good first step is through education. There are many resources and lists of resources available on the internet, a few good places to start are the following:

Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/jFp0CYW8Noc05AqAhG7N32?domain=docs.google.com>

ANTI-RACISM RESOURCES FROM AUSTRALIA AND BEYOND<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/nFN9CZY1NqimzQLQFKewdp?domain=vwt.org.au>

How Can We Support Black Astronomers?<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/gpufC1WLPxcj8qoqTX7wWK?domain=astrobites.org>

Education is only a first step, we must all reflect and determine what action we can take towards dismantling the existing systems rooted in racism. We would call to your attention the academic strike in support of Black Lives Matter taking place this Wednesday, 10 June (https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/1TQ1C2xMQzix78X8I9Tjnw?domain=shutdownstem.com<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/1TQ1C2xMQzix78X8I9Tjnw?domain=shutdownstem.com>) - see https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/knNjC3QNPBi8Z2l2SvhCo6?domain=particlesforjustice.org<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/knNjC3QNPBi8Z2l2SvhCo6?domain=particlesforjustice.org> for a discussion of the use of this strike.

Finally, let us always be mindful of the unseen challenges those around us may face and aim to provide support and compassion at all times.


Katie Jameson

On behalf of the IDEA Chapter Steering Committee

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