[ASA] 2020 Berenice and Arthur Page Medal - Nominations Ope

Krzysztof Bolejko krzysztof.bolejko at utas.edu.au
Fri Oct 18 08:44:15 AEDT 2019

The 2020 Berenice and Arthur Page Medal

Nominations are now open for the 2020 Berenice and Arthur Page Medal awarded for excellence in amateur astronomy.

The prize is awarded every two years by the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) for scientific contributions by an amateur astronomer that have served to advance astronomy.

The winner will be announced during the 29th National Australian Convention of Amateur Astronomers (NACAA), which is to be held in the NSW regional city of Parkes over the 2020 Easter weekend, 10-13 April. The winner will be presented with the Medal along with the Honorary Associate membership of the ASA.

The closing date for nominations is 29 November 2019.

Nominations are strongly encouraged, including self-nominations. The award is specifically for scientific contributions that have served to advance astronomy. While the amateur astronomical community benefits greatly from members' organisational services, their popularisation of astronomy and their proficiency in established astronomical techniques, these qualities are not applicable to the award’s criteria.

Nominations must include:

    • a detailed description of the candidate’s achievements, outlining as succinctly as possible the scientific results that the candidate has produced and the impact this has had on astronomy;
    • a covering letter giving the candidate’s full name, address and a brief summary of their association with astronomy and particular research interests;
    • supporting material such as copies of papers, articles or books written by the candidate that substantiate their nomination.

Nominations should be sent to Dr Krzysztof Bolejko, ASA Prizes and Awards Coordinator, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 37, Hobart TAS 7001. Email nominations are preferable and should be sent to krzysztof.bolejko at utas.edu.au.

This information, the Conditions and Guidelines for the award, and a list of past winners is available on the ASA website at https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Xw5RCOMxNyty1pNnSEJi49?domain=asa.astronomy.org.au

Details regarding the NACAA can be found at https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/ePfUCP7yOZtkzK0WC0YQxZ?domain=nacaa.org.au

Kind regards,
Krzysztof Bolejko

Krzysztof Bolejko
ASA Prizes and Awards Coordinator
Senior Lecturer in Physics

School of Natural Sciences | College of Sciences and Engineering
University of Tasmania
Private Bag 37
Hobart TAS 7001
+61 3 6226 2234 | 0404 090 893
[Electronic Signature]



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