[ASA] First Workshop Announcement: the 2019 12th PHISCC meeting in Perth

O. Ivy Wong ivy.wong at uwa.edu.au
Thu Sep 20 18:42:41 AEST 2018

Dear ASA colleagues, This is the first announcement for the 2019 12th 
PHISCC meeting – one of the first PHISCC meetings where the_main focus 
is on the new science emerging from the much anticipated SKA precursors 
and pathfinders_. As is tradition, the PHISCC workshop's plenary session 
will span 2.5 to 3 days (11-13 February 2019). In the upcoming PHISCC 
workshop, the plenary session will be followed by a set of technical 
hands-on or strategic focus sessions, where together, the plenary 
session and the focus sessions will span the full week starting the 11th 
February 2019. Places for this workshop are limited to a maximum of 80 
participants but there is a chance that we might have to close 
registration early if we reach this number before the early-bird 
registration deadline of 15 December 2018. Therefore we encourage 
everyone to register early. More information for registration and this 
meeting can be found at our website: 
https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/tgreCZYM2VFGq0P6uzWrC6?domain=icrar.org The science themes covered 
by the 2019 PHISCC plenary sessions are: 1)blind HI surveys; 2) 
high-redshift HI; 3) cold HI (through absorption); 4) targeted HI 
surveys; and 5) Synergies across radio facilities and simulations. 
Confirmed invited speakers are: Erwin de Blok (ASTRON); Sarah Blyth 
(UCT); Rajeshwari Dutta (ESO); Renée Kraan-Korteweg (UCT); Claudia Lagos 
(ICRAR/UWA); Karen Lee-Waddell (CSIRO); Natasha Maddox (Munich); Paolo 
Serra (INAF-Cagliari); Marc Verheijen (Kapteyn); Zheng Zheng (NAOC); 
Ming Zhu (NAOC). The focus sessions will bring together active HI 
astronomers from across the different facilities and survey teams for 
the purposes of:
1) sharing expertise and knowledge of what works and does not in this 
new era of radio facilities;
2) understanding the methods currently employed to mitigate the 
challenges faced by these new HI observations;
3) learning the latest tools and software through hands-on tutorials and 
demonstrations. The current confirmed focus sessions and champions of 
these sessions are in parentheses: i)Reference Fields (Betsey Adams); 
ii) Database & products for public release (Lister Staveley-Smith); 
iii)RFI flagging and mitigation (Vanessa Moss); iv) Data quality 
assessment (Betsey Adams); v)Source finding (Tobias Westmeier); 
vi)Source parameterisation (Se-Heon Oh); and specific team focus 
Wong (on behalf of the SOC) SOC: Marc Verheijen (PHISCC chair); Ivy Wong 
(SOC chair); Sarah Blyth; Erwin de Blok; Nissim Kanekar; Martin Meyer; 
Se-Heon Oh; Kristine Spekkens; Lister Staveley-Smith; Jacqueline van 
Gorkom & Ming Zhu

Dr O. Ivy Wong
ICRAR-M468, University of Western Australia
Crawley, Western Australia 6009, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61-8-6488-7761
Email: ivy.wong at uwa.edu.au<mailto:ivy.wong at uwa.edu.au>
Webpage: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/_vRrC1WZXriRAln4tGrme8?domain=icrar.org

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