[ASA] PhD and Postdoc position in Neutrinos Astronomy at Nikhef

John O'Byrne john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au
Mon Aug 14 23:04:25 AEST 2017

Ron Ekers has suggested that the job advertisement below be circulated to ASA members:

PhD and Postdoc Positions in Neutrino Astronomy (KM3NeT)

Nikhef is the national institute for subatomic physics in The Netherlands. At Nikhef, approximately 175 physicists and 75 technical staff members perform excellent theoretical and experimental research in the fields of particle- and astroparticle physics. Nikhef participates in the ATLAS, LHCb and ALICE experiments at CERN, the VIRGO interferometer in Pisa, the XENON Dark Matter detector in Gran Sasso and the Pierre Auger cosmic rays observatory in Argentina, and is a major contributor to the  KM3NeT neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean.

The Research Group
The Nikhef neutrino astronomy group is responsible for a large part of the detector design and construction of the KM3NeT detector and we have led the analysis of the data from the first detection lines. In the context of a recently awarded grant, a team will be established to study the sources of high energy cosmic neutrinos, which is now a key question in Astroparticle physics. The project  will start while the KM3NeT  detector is being constructed and successful candidates will have the opportunity to contribute to the performance studies and analysis of data of the first phase of the KM3NeT detector and with the goal of extracting the first neutrino science.

Candidates are sought that have an interest in data analysis in the areas of detector commissioning,  event reconstruction and classification, as well as the high-level data analysis for testing  neutrino source hypotheses using advanced statistical methods. Candidates interested in incorporating other (multi-messenger) data and novel neutrino production models in the analysis also are encouraged to apply as the project will also require expertise on these topics. Knowledge of statistical data analysis with C++, Python and/or ROOT is advantageous.

The postdoc position is for 2 years with the possibility of  a one-year extension.  A PhD in (astro-)particle physics or related field is required.
The PhD position is for 4 years and requires as master degree, or equivalent  in in experimental (astro-) particle physics or other relevant field. It includes graduate schools for PhD students and a series of lectures on advanced topics in particle physics, as part of the educational program of the Dutch research school for subatomic physics.
Multiple positions are available in the project, some of which will be filled in an additional hiring round next year. The successful candidates will be employed by NWO. The position is based in Amsterdam. You will receive a competitive salary. The conditions of employment are excellent and include extra months' salary payment in May and December and good travel facilities.

Information and Application
Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply at https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/2mpABDcpJaRTZ?domain=nikhef.nl<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/2mpABDcpJaRTZ?domain=nikhef.nl>. Select the link “PhD  position in Neutrino Astronomy (KM3NeT)<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/6eKdBDsA9keFV?domain=nikhef.nl>” or “Postdoc Position in Neutrino Astronomy (KM3NeT)<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/NX12BDU0GeQu4?domain=nikhef.nl>“ and apply by clicking the 'Apply Now' button at the bottom of the page. The online system will require you to upload a CV and a cover letter explaining your motivation and research interests, both in PDF format. It will also ask you to provide the email addresses of at least three (two for PhD position) referees who are willing to send a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
Please apply before September 18 2016. Later applications can be considered for a later hiring round in the same project. Further information on these positions can be obtained from Dr Aart Heijboer (aart.heijboer at nikhef.nl<mailto:aart.heijboer at nikhef.nl>).
Contact: Aart Heijboer<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bZ89BmuxKn9tr?domain=inspirehep.net>
Email: aart.heijboer at nikhef.nl<mailto:aart.heijboer at nikhef.nl>
More Information: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Jb1WBnU4rgGuG?domain=nikhef.nl<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Jb1WBnU4rgGuG?domain=nikhef.nl>

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Associate Dean (Student Life), Faculty of Science
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School of Physics | Faculty of Science

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Postal address: School of Physics | The University of Sydney | NSW | Australia | 2006
T +61 2 9351 3184  | F +61 2 9351 7726
E john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au<mailto:john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au>  | W  http://sydney.edu.au/science/people/john.obyrne

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