[ASA] Call for Nominations for the HWSA SOC 2017

Rajika Kuruwita rajikakuruwita at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 17:32:06 AEDT 2016

Dear ASA Members,

We are organising the SOC for the Harley Wood School for Astronomy 2017
(HWSA SOC 2017), and we are currently looking to recruit student members to
join the committee. This email is a call for nominations for membership of
the HWSA SOC 2017.

The job of the SOC is to create a program of talks and workshops for the
School that will be valuable to the student membership of the ASA,
regardless of their stage of study, area of research, and career goals.
Specifically, the SOC will determine the central theme of the HWSA, decide
on the talk/workshop topics, and find speakers to give talks and/or hold

Please consider nominating one or more students, including yourself, for
membership of the SOC.

We aim for the SOC to be representative of the diversity within the
Australian astronomical community, so we particularly encourage nominations
of students who would help create a balanced panel.

Members will be selected based on the information provided in the
nomination form. The selection process will take into account the following:

   - nominee's gender
   - whether or not the nominee is a member of one or more minority groups
   (please include this information in your answer to the above question)
   - nominee's institution (to ensure representation of a range of
   institutions, especially those that have not had representation in recent
   - nominee's research area (to ensure representation of as many
   distinct research areas as possible)

The nomination form can be accessed here:

The applications will be closing at 5 pm on Wednesday 30 November (AEST).
No nominations will be accepted after that time.

Thanks for helping me assemble the SOC!

Rajika Kuruwita and Adam Thomas
Australian National University
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