[ASA] Registration Deadline Extension: SIfA Early Career Industry Workshop

Sembukuttige Fernando nuwanthika.fernando at sydney.edu.au
Mon Oct 31 13:26:58 AEDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

We have extended the registration deadline  for SIfA's 2nd ECR Workshop (http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/sifa/emcr/public/index.php) will be held on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 to the 4th Nov.

We've got an exciting new line up of speakers and panelists for 2016:-

  *   Alex Paine- NSW Business Chamber
  *   Mark Ovens- AMSI Internships
  *   Alan Taylor- Executive Chairman, Clarity Pharmaceuticals
  *   Ilana Feain- CEO, Nano-X Pty Ltd
  *   Sarah Reeves- Assistant Curator, Museums of Applied Arts and Sciences
  *   Brendan McMonigal- Software Enigineer, Google
  *   Dominick Ng - Software Engineer, Google
  *   Iraklis Konstantopoulos- Data Scientist, Envizi
  *   Richard Scalzo- Center for Translational Data Science
  *   Kate Brooks- Lead Advisor Staff Development (Research), Murdoch University
  *   Madhura Killedar - Senior Research Officer, Burnet Institute

This free half-day event will give the opportunity for students and early-career researchers to ask panelists about changing careers, how to showcase your academic talents and tayloring your CV to the industry, over a panel discussion and networking lunch.

Please remember to register at - http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/sifa/emcr/public/registration.php by the 4th Nov 2016.

Best Regards,

Nuwanthika Fernando (Chair)
Kate Gunn
[https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/RnNZfQn2o2xpggJQqefCOervMbPIci5mujDPJnvl43kv6Rtxjyh5gHN_JKVzeU-aaGz3pePFgxfoAAtZJZNx8mveVTc-11j98EfuAJVcumUenA=s0-d-e1-ft#https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif]Thorsten Tepper Garcia
Elizabeth Mahony
Luke Barnes
Magda Guglielmo
Tara Murphy
(ECR Organising Committee)
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