[ASA] 2nd ASA ECR Mentoring workshop - announcment email

John O'Byrne john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au
Sun Mar 30 23:07:10 AEDT 2014

2nd ASA Early Career Researcher Mentoring Workshop
Cedar Creek Lodges, Tamborine Mountain, QLD
2-3 June 2014

On behalf of the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) and our sponsors, we would like to invite you to register for the second ASA Early Career Researcher Mentoring Workshop. The workshop will be held over two days at Cedar Creek Lodges on Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast hinterlands close to Brisbane, QLD.

The purpose of the workshop is to address topics related to career progression for the future leaders in our astronomy community. It is aimed at postdocs and very junior faculty, that is anyone who is only just beginning to establish themselves and looking for career guidance. The sessions will not just be talks, but include a large proportion of discussions and other activities. It will be more 'down to earth' than ordinary science meetings, encouraging participation and interaction.

Please register at http://research.smp.uq.edu.au/ecrmentoring/ where additional information can also be found. Registration will be available very shortly.

Topics to be covered:

1. Planning your career
2. Getting a faculty job
3. Building your network
4. Managing your time
5. Managing money
6. Managing people
7. Writing proposals
8. Leadership and vision
9. Family and work/life balance

Speakers will include:

Brian Boyle (Department of Industry)
Matthew Colless (ANU)
Warrick Couch (AAO)
Stephen Hardy (NICTAR)
Carol Jackson (ICRAR/Curtin)
Tara Murphy (USyd)
*Alicia Oshlack (Murdoch Childrens Research Institute)
Peter Quinn (ICRAR)
Brian Schmidt (ANU)
Rachel Webster (Melbourne University)

(*) TBC

This workshop is proudly sponsored by the ASA, AAO, ANU, CAASTRO, ICRAR and Swinburne. For comments and enquiries, email d.parkinson at uq.edu.au.

We look forward to seeing you there!
The organising committee: David Parkinson (UQ), James Allison (USyd), Darren Croton (Swin), Sarah Martell (AAO), Cathryn Trott and Ivy Wong (ICRAR)

PS: Those interested can conveniently attend the Southern Cross Astrophysics Conference Series on Multi-wavelength Surveys, being held the week before in Port Douglas, QLD (http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/workshops/2014/SouthernCrossVII/).

David Parkinson
Australian Research Council Future Fellow
The University of Queensland
d.parkinson at uq.edu.au

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