[ASA] Second announcement and registration for the "Astroinformatics 2013: Knowledge from Data" Conference (9-13 December, 2013)

Kate Chow Kate.Chow at csiro.au
Thu Jul 25 08:28:44 AEST 2013

Dear Colleagues, 

This is the second announcement for the conference "Astroinformatics 2013: Knowledge from Data". The conference will be held from 9-13 December, 2013, at the CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (CASS) Headquarters in Sydney, Australia. Please forward this email onto any colleagues who might be interested. 

Astroinformatics is an emerging discipline at the intersection of astronomy/astrophysics and applied computer science and engineering, arising from the need to address the challenges and opportunities of exponential growth of data volumes, rates, and complexity from next-generation telescopes. 

Invited speakers so far include: Brian Schmidt, Tony Hey, Alex Szalay, Tim Cornwell, Matthew Graham, Tara Murphy and Chris Fluke. 

Registration and abstract submission is now open, so please visit the website http://tinyurl.com/astroinfo to register, and for more information. A limited number of places are available for participants, so please register as early as possible. Early registration and abstract submissions (talks and posters) close on August 31, but registrations will be taken until we reach the maximum number of participants (90). 

Some travel grants will also be available to students and those from less privileged countries, and more information about these grants will be available soon (including application forms and deadlines). Please indicate whether you plan to apply for one of these grants when you register. 

If you wish to receive email updates, click "email updates" on the conference logo on the website and fill in your details, or follow us on Twitter (@astroinfo2013). We will also be posting updates on the "Astroinformatics" page on Facebook, and you can "Like" this page from the conference website. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the LOC at astroinformatics at csiro.au.

Kind regards,
Kate Chow
On behalf of the organising committees. 

Dr. Kate Chow (nee Randall)
Executive Officer
CSIRO SKA Site & Infrastructure
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science
PO Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710, Australia
Phone: +61-2-9372-4516
Email: Kate.Chow at csiro.au<mailto:Kate.Chow at csiro.au>
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