[ASA] Third Announcement: 2013 Astronomical Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting
Duncan Galloway
duncan.galloway at monash.edu
Thu Apr 18 10:26:50 AEST 2013
Third Announcement: 2013 Astronomical Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting
The 2013 Astronomical Society of Australia's Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) will be held from the 7th to 12th of July, hosted by the Monash Centre for Astrophysics (MoCA) at Monash University's Clayton campus in south-east Melbourne, Victoria.
The deadline for early registration and contributed talk submission is tomorrow:
** 5pm AET Friday April 19th **
The program for 2013 is filling rapidly. The special session "A New Era in Australian Radio Astronomy: MWA, ASKAP and SKA" has been provisionally scheduled for Wednesday (10th July) afternoon, and speakers will include Phil Diamond (CASS), Lister Stavely-Smith (UWA), Steven Tingay (Curtin), Lisa Harvey-Smith (CASS), and Rachel Webster (U. Melbourne). Confirmed speakers for the main meeting will include Amanda Karakas (ANU), Markus Kissler-Patig (Gemini), Chris Power (UWA), Alex Heger (Monash), and Stas Shabala (UTas).
The meeting will be opened by Dr. Alan Finkel, AM (Chancellor of Monash University, founder of COSMOS magazine & chair of the CAASTRO Advisory Board).
The 2013 Harley Wood lecture will be given by Charley Lineweaver (RSAA) on Tuesday July 9th, and the Ellery lecture will be given by Rachel Webster (U. Melbourne). Career and community sessions will include "Speed Meet a Mentor" and "Science Communication in the 21st Century", as well as meetings of the ASA Women in Astronomy, ANITA and EPOC chapters of the ASA. Registrants will also have the option of talking a tour of the Australian Synchrotron (http://www.synchrotron.org.au) at lunchtime Friday.
The Harley Wood Winter School will be held from the 4th to 7th July, immediately preceding the ASM, at The Island Accommodation, Phillip Island. The venue is approximately 1.5 hours drive south-east of Melbourne, and is accessible by public transport. Buses will also be provided to transport attendees from Southern Cross station or Monash to the venue on Thursday 4th July, and return on Sunday 7th July, at a small additional cost. This option is available on the registration form. Students are strongly encouraged to register as early as possible to ensure appropriate transport and accommodation arrangements can be made.
The theme for this year's Harley Wood Winter School is "Supersize me - Extremely large telescopes, datasets and careers". The presentations will explore what the past, current and future telescopes have to offer for a successful (and even supersized!) career. Confirmed speakers include Tracy Hill (CEA Saclay/ESO), Jill Rathbone (CASS), Michael Murphy (Swinburne), Michelle Cluver (AAO) and Samantha Penny (Monash). Attendees will also have the opportunity to explore Philip Island's many tourist offerings, including the famous fairy penguins and Panny's Chocolate Factory.
For further information on the meeting, as well as links to the registration and abstract submission system, visit the meeting website at
Twitter users are invited to follow the official meeting twitter account @ASAu2013 for up-to-date information about the meeting. Use hashtag #ASAu2013 at http://twitter.com
Annual Scientific Meeting:
Early bird registration deadline: Friday 19th April 2013
Abstract submission deadline (for oral presentation): Friday 19th April 2013
Program release: Monday 13th May 2013
Poster abstract submission deadline: Friday 31st May 2013
Astronomical Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting: 7th - 12th July 2013
Harley Wood Winter School:
Early bird registration deadline: Friday 19th April 2013
Harley Wood Winter School: 4th - 7th July 2013
Follow the link to download the meeting flyer for circulation:
Duncan Galloway
on behalf of the 2013 ASA ASM local organising committee
Email contact: asa2013 at monash.edu
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