[ASA] Stromlo Student Christmas Seminars

Louise Howes louise at mso.anu.edu.au
Sun Oct 7 12:46:19 AEDT 2012

The 10th Annual Stromlo Student Christmas Seminars!

Dear Students of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
	Do you work in Megaparsecs?
	Have you taken measurements in nanometers?
We would like to invite you the the 10th Stromlo Student Seminars, this year celebrating our momentous birthday with the theme:
"What's an order of magnitude between friends?"
We astronomers love working 'to the nearest order of magnitude', and so with that in mind, we invite you all to came and talk of big numbers, or little numbers, to students from around Australia.  Whether you work on the large scale structure of the Universe, or the cross-sections of nuclear reactions in the Sun, the Stromlo Student Christmas Seminars are for you!

WHAT? A two day workshop of talks by renowned astronomers and students
WHO? Any astronomy or related physics graduate student in Australia - Honours, Masters, and PhD level
WHERE? Mt. Stromlo Observatory, ANU, Canberra
WHEN? 22nd & 23rd November 2012

Day 1:	To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our first Christmas seminars, we have invited experts from various institutes to come and talk about their areas of research.  From the very large, cosmological concerns, to the nuclear science underpinning much of our work, this day of talks will encourage and inform us all in the broader aspects of astronomy and astrophysics.  Keep checking our website for up-to-date information on confirmed speakers!

Day 2:	Then it's your turn - this annual day of student talks gives you a 15 minute opportunity to talk to a group of your peers on whatever topic you like.  This year we have bigger prizes than ever before to give away - those talks voted as the best science content, best use of the theme, and best overall will all be awarded generous cash prizes!

Registration is free, and food will be provided throughout the two days.  Some travel and accommodation support will also be available; contact the committee if you would like details on financial support.

To register, visit our website at www.mso.anu.edu.au/xmas12.  The deadline for registration is the 2nd November.
If you would like a talk on day 2, you can indicate so when you register, or email us separately.  The deadline for this is the 9th November.

The seminars are designed for all astronomy and astrophysics graduate students, whether you have anything to talk about or just come to watch and listen, the invitation is open to you.  Honours and Masters students might want to take the opportunity to come and find out what being a PhD student is really like!  So please, come along to this year's Stromlo Student Christmas Seminars - catch up with students from other institutes, broaden your astronomical horizons and practise your public speaking skills. 

Please direct any questions to the organising committee at the email address xmas12 at mso.anu.edu.au.

Thanks, and hope to see you all in November!
Louise Howes (on behalf of the Organising Committee)

We would like to thank the team at GMT and the ANU Student Extra-Curriculur Enrichment Fund for their kind sponsorship.
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