[Limdep Nlogit List] non linear mixed logit model

Grammatikopoulou Ioanna (Luke) ioanna.grammatikopoulou at luke.fi
Thu Feb 6 00:46:31 AEDT 2020

I am applying a non linear mixed logit model. One of the parameters of the non linear function that I want to estimate needs to be positive. How can I impose such a restriction? I used the cml; command but it didn't work. Also, estimation time is quite large (it can be two to three weeks for 250 draws that I have applied). Is there any way to speed up the model estimation?
Here is my syntax:


    U(BAU)=Util1/U(ALT1, ALT2)=Util2$

Thank you in advance

Kind regards

Ioanna Grammatikopoulou
Post-doc fellow
Natural Resource Institute Finland (LUKE)
Latokartanonkaari 9
FI-00790, Helsinki
E-mail: ioanna.grammatikopoulou at luke.fi<mailto:ioanna.grammatikopoulou at luke.fi>

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