[GPlates-discuss] Troubles with network topologies

Thomas Schaap thomas.schaap at utas.edu.au
Mon Jul 29 12:00:49 AEST 2019

Hi again,

Okay, of course as soon as I sent the email I worked it out. For those interested - the shapefile containing all the vertices already had the FeatureID field filled out with the same value for every vertex. This happened because I had derived this shapefile from another shapefile which had just the single feature ID assigned by GPlates in a different session. The network topology tool then got confused because every point I was drawing between had the same feature ID.

Basically I was working in circles and got lost along the way. Sorry for the email spam! Hope this prevents someone else from making the same mistake.



Thomas Schaap

PhD Candidate | Casual Academic Staff

CODES | Earth Sciences | Rm. 460

School of Natural Sciences

University of Tasmania


From: GPlates-discuss <gplates-discuss-bounces at mailman.sydney.edu.au> on behalf of Thomas Schaap <thomas.schaap at utas.edu.au>
Sent: 29 July 2019 11:51
To: GPlates general discussion mailing list <gplates-discuss at mailman.sydney.edu.au>
Subject: [GPlates-discuss] Troubles with network topologies

Hi Everyone,

I'm having issues creating network topologies in GPlates. I have previously created them by importing the vertices as a shapefile and then connecting the dots in GPlates. It was working perfectly until all of a sudden I can't seem to do it anymore. Now when I connect the dots and create the topological network feature, it doesn't appear on the screen and I get a warning on the console:

[Warning] Multiple features for feature-id =  "GPlates-aa8e83e0-b224-48ad-849c-0787fa89cca2"

I suspect I may have messed something up with the shapefiles as I was producing them in ArcGIS, but I'm not sure where I went wrong. Any advice?


Thomas Schaap

PhD Candidate | Casual Academic Staff

CODES | Earth Sciences | Rm. 460

School of Natural Sciences

University of Tasmania


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