[GPlates-discuss] error upon importing a 3D scalar field

Sabin Zahirovic sabin.zahirovic at sydney.edu.au
Mon May 1 15:32:28 AEST 2017

Hi Oliver,

I didn’t see an attachment to your e-mail, so perhaps it was stripped by the mailing list… 

Are you using netcdf 3 or 4 to make the grids? We currently require netcdf 3 grids, but that will change in the (near) future when netcdf 4 grid support is implemented. From memory, the grids need to also have an integer value of depth (in km) at the end of the filename, preceded by a hyphen or underscore (e.g., ilovegplates3d_200.grd). You should also not have a grid with the same depths. The grids must be in WGS84 geographic co-ordinates too. I’m not sure that the file extension should matter – it should be either nc or grd, from memory. Let me know if these suggestions help. Otherwise, happy to continue troubleshooting.


DR SABIN ZAHIROVIC | Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Geosciences | Faculty of Science 
Rm 403, Madsen Building F09 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
M +61 416 775 589 P +61 2 9351 3625
E sabin.zahirovic at sydney.edu.au | W http://www.earthbyte.org <http://www.earthbyte.org/> | R http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sabin_Zahirovic
F https://www.facebook.com/earthbyte | T https://twitter.com/EarthByteGroup
Most recent publications:
Zahirovic, S., Matthews, K.J., Flament, N., Müller, R.D., Hill, K.C., Seton, M. and Gurnis, M., (2016), Tectonic evolution and deep mantle structure of the eastern Tethys since the latest Jurassic, Earth Science Reviews <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012825216302872>, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.09.005.
Zahirovic, S., N. Flament, R. D. Müller, M. Seton, and M. Gurnis (2016), Large fluctuations of shallow seas in low-lying Southeast Asia driven by mantle flow, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306088667_Large_fluctuations_of_shallow_seas_in_low-lying_Southeast_Asia_driven_by_mantle_flow>, doi: 10.1002/2016GC006434.
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On 29/4/17, 4:03 am, "gplates-discuss-bounces at mailman.sydney.edu.au on behalf of Oliver Strimpel" <gplates-discuss-bounces at mailman.sydney.edu.au on behalf of strimpel at gmail.com> wrote:

    I get the attached error message when I try to import a 3D scalar field.
    I'm using GPlates 2.0 (downloaded just recently) on Windows 7.  I get the
    same message whether I select a directory or select all the files within
    the directory, and for each of three different tomography models.
    Thanks in advance for help with this.
    Oliver Strimpel

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