[ASA] Third announcement: ASA ASM - **Abstract submission deadline April 1**

John O'Byrne john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au
Wed Mar 25 19:35:23 AEDT 2015

The 2015 ASA ASM and HWSA are hosted by ICRAR-Curtin.



Announcing a new session, "Path to the SKA", with an invited presentation by Dr Sarah Pearce (CASS), to provide an overview of the SKA project within Australia. With the recent re-baselining exercise completed for the SKA and results from SKA pathfinder telescopes (MWA, ASKAP), there will be a session devoted to pathfinder science results and SKA-related science during the ASM.

*As with all other contributed talks, contributions to this session will be considered on a merit basis, and submitted through the normal abstract submission process for consideration by the SOC*

http://www.asa2015.org <http://www.asa2015.org/>

The 2015 Astronomical Society of Australia's Annual Scientific Meeting
(ASM), hosted by ICRAR-Curtin, will be held at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle, WA between July
5th to 10th. The Esplanade Hotel is located in the centre of Fremantle,
a busy port town and popular tourist destination on the coast, with
Perth located 20km away.

Just before the ASM, the annual Harley Wood School for Astronomy (HWSA)
will be held on Rottnest Island from the 2nd to 5th of July.

The website for the meeting contains useful information on both the ASM
and HWSA and can be found at:

http://www.asa2015.org <http://www.asa2015.org/>

Registration for both the ASM and HWSA and abstract submission for the
ASM is now open!

A summary timeline is given below:

01APR - Abstract submission closes
01MAY - Program released
22MAY - Early-bird registration closes
26JUN - Full-price registration closes (late registration allowed up to
first day of the ASM)
02JUL - HWSA begins
05JUL - Welcome Reception for ASM

We have decided to close abstract submission and release the program
earlier in the year than is traditional for ASMs. This is to give
presenters more time to prepare oral or poster presentations, as well as
allow people to register at the early-bird price once the full program
is known. Please note, however, that there is a $100 cancellation fee
should you decide to withdraw your registration before the 5th of June.

Please also note that for the HWSA, we need to let Rottnest
Accommodation know how many people will be attending by the 1st of
April. So we *strongly* encourage any students wishing to register for
the HWSA to please do so before this date. After this date, we cannot
guarantee accommodation.

Our current list of confirmed invited speakers for the ASM includes the
following people:

Elaine Sadler - The University of Sydney - Ellery Lecture

Tanya Hill - Scienceworks, Melbourne Planetarium - Harley Wood Lecture

Krzysztof Bolejko - University of Sydney
John Eldridge - University of Auckland
Daniel Huber - University of Sydney
Virginia Kilborn - Swinburne
Claudia Lagos - ICRAR-UWA
Paul Lasky - Monash
David McClelland - ANU
Katherine Mack - Melbourne
James Miller-Jones - ICRAR-Curtin
Jill Rathborne - CASS
Sarah Pearce - CASS
Gayandhi de Silva - AAO
Rob Wittenmyer - UNSW
Fang Yuan - ANU

We look forward to welcoming you to Perth and Fremantle in July!

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us:

Andrew Walsh (andrew.walsh at curtin.edu.au <mailto:andrew.walsh at curtin.edu.au>)
Cath Trott (Cathryn.Trott at curtin.edu.au <mailto:Cathryn.Trott at curtin.edu.au>)
LOC and SOC co-Chairs of the ASA ASM

Rebecca Lange (rebecca.lange at icrar.org <mailto:rebecca.lange at icrar.org>) - Chair of HWSA LOC
Angus Wright (angus.wright at icrar.org <mailto:angus.wright at icrar.org>) - Chair of HWSA SOC

Cathryn Trott
ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics

Curtin University
Bentley WA, Australia

cathryn.trott at curtin.edu.au
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